Liberal party

Liberal party
a political party in Great Britain, formed about 1830 as a fusion of Whigs and Radicals and constituting one of the dominant British parties in the 19th and early part of the 20th centuries.

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British political party that emerged in the mid-19th century as the successor to the Whigs.

It was the major party in opposition to the Conservative Party until 1918, after which it was supplanted by the Labour Party. It was initially supported by the middle class that was enfranchised by the Reform Bill of 1832. Earl Russell's administration in 1846 is sometimes regarded as the first Liberal government, but the first unequivocally Liberal government was formed in 1868 by William E. Gladstone. Under Gladstone, until 1894, the party's hallmark was reform; after 1884 it espoused Irish Home Rule. It championed individualism, private enterprise, human rights, and promotion of social justice; wary of imperial expansion, it was pacific and internationalist. During World War I it split into two camps, centred on H.H. Asquith and David Lloyd George. It continued as a minor party until 1988, when it merged with the Social Democratic Party to form the Liberal Democratic Party.

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      a British political party that emerged in the mid-19th century as the successor to the historic Whig Party. It was the major party in opposition to the Conservatives until 1918, after which it was supplanted by the Labour Party. The Liberals continued as a minor party until 1988, when they merged with the Social Democratic Party to form what is now called the Liberal Democratic Party (Liberal Democrats) (q.v.). Through its long history, the Liberal Party included various schools of thought, but all Liberals were united by the conviction that the source of progress lay in the free exercise of individual energy. The purpose of politics, therefore, was to create the conditions within which individual energy could thrive to the betterment of all.

      This article covers aspects of the Liberal Party in two sections: History and Policy and structure. Resources for further study are recommended in the Bibliography.

      After Britain's First (electoral) Reform Act of 1832, the mainly aristocratic Whigs were joined in the House of Commons by increasing numbers of middle-class members and by a smaller number of Radicals, who, from about 1850, tended to work together in cooperation with the Peelites (antiprotectionist Tories). By 1839 Lord John Russell (Russell, John Russell, 1st Earl, Viscount Amberley Of Amberley And Of Ardsalla) was referring tothe Liberal partyin his letters to Queen Victoria. Russell's administration of 1846 is sometimes regarded as the first Liberal government; others reserve the distinction for Lord Palmerston (Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount, Baron Temple Of Mount Temple)'s 1855 administration. The first unequivocally Liberal government was that formed in 1868 by William E. Gladstone (Gladstone, William Ewart), under whose leadership these various elements became a cohesive parliamentary party. After 1865 the personality and politics of Gladstone dominated the party, which held power under him for a total of more than 12 years between 1868 and 1894. The main achievement of the Liberal Party under Gladstone was its reforms. These included the establishment of a national system of education, voting by secret ballot, the legalization of trade unions, the enfranchisement of the working class in rural areas, reconstruction of the army (involving the abolition of the purchase of commissions), and reform of the judicial system. In the process, Gladstone attached a broad range of popular support to the party.

      In 1886 the party was weakened by the defection of the Liberal Unionists, who disliked Gladstone's plan for Home Rule of Ireland and eventually joined the Conservatives. By the early 20th century the Liberal Party seemed moribund, but a Conservative split helped the Liberals to victory. The period 190615, during which the foundations of the British welfare state were laid, was the last during which the Liberals held power alone.

      In 1915, during World War I, the Liberal H.H. Asquith (Asquith, H H, 1st Earl Of Oxford And Asquith, Viscount Asquith Of Morley) formed a national coalition government with the Conservative and Labour parties. However, during the war the Liberals clustered into two distinctly different camps, centred on the rival personalities of Asquith and his successor, David Lloyd George (Lloyd George, David). Aligned with Asquith were those who felt that cherished Liberal beliefs were being threatened by such wartime exactions as military conscription, introduced in 1916. Allied to Lloyd George were those who sided with the Conservatives in seeking a more rigorous prosecution of the war. The Liberals' divisions became more firmly drawn after the postwar election of December 1918, in which Lloyd George's Coalition Liberals ran unopposed by their Conservative partners while Asquith's Independent Liberals were routed. In the years that followed, the party's internal conflicts exacted a terrible toll on it at precisely the time when the Labour Party was emerging as a coherent and effective source of reform in the country. In the general election of 1924, the Liberals' share of the popular vote was reduced to less than 20 percent and its parliamentary representation to 40. By 1933 the party was divided between Sir John Simon's Liberal National supporters of the Conservative-dominated National Government, Sir Herbert Samuel's opposition Liberals, and a small number of Independent Liberals who still clung to the aging Lloyd George. The Liberals' last experience of national government was provided by their participation in Winston Churchill's World War II coalition of 194045.

      The Liberal Party's 20th-century nadir came in the 1950s, when it polled as little as 2.5 percent of the popular vote and when serious consideration was given to merging with the Conservatives. Leader Clement Davies rejected Winston Churchill's overtures in 1951, however, and the Liberals survived as a small rump in the House of Commons for the remainder of the decade. The seeds of political rebirth were sown under the leadership of Jo Grimond (Grimond, Jo) (195667), when the party generated a revived reputation as an intellectually credible left-of-centre group. Liberals demonstrated a willingness to adopt radical and often innovative approaches to reform, which often brought them close to the ideological space occupied by the Labour Party, though their social and political analysis was not rooted in class loyalty. From the early 1960s on, the party enjoyed spectacular by-election successes; fueled by these performances, an increasing number of Liberal candidates was fielded. Under Jeremy Thorpe the party made substantial progress in the 1974 general election, returning almost 20 percent of the popular vote. The charismatic Thorpe himself fell victim to a scandal in which money was alleged to have been paid to secure the silence of his former homosexual lover, but under Thorpe's successor as party leader, David Steel (197688), the Liberals retained their position as a significant national force in British politics. In return for supporting the minority Labour government of James Callaghan, Steel was able to extract a number of concessions, including an agreement to consult the Liberals on legislation prior to its presentation in Parliament. ThisLib-Labpact foundered in 1978, and the Liberals fared poorly in the general election of 1979, but their strategic importance was enhanced by the emergence of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) in 1981. An Alliance (as their cooperation became known) was forged between the two parties in time for the 1983 general election, in which they won 25 percent of the popular vote.

      Between 1983 and the formal merger with the larger part of the SDP in 1988, there were a number of tensions between the two parties at all levels over policy, strategy, and electoral arrangements. Notable parliamentary figures such as Cyril Smith and Michael Meadowcroft expressed their doubts about the Alliance, and the Association of Liberal Councillors argued that its own tradition of locally basedcommunity politicswas more trulymold-breakingthan the comparatively elitist SDP. Yet it became clear that the Liberals fared rather the better under the Alliance. They, rather than the SDP, retained the right to field Alliance candidates in a majority of the most winnable parliamentary seats, while their historic ties to certain areas of the country remained strong. The Liberal Party provided the major part of the organizational infrastructure and resources on which the new party, known initially as the Social and Liberal Democrats and later simply as the Liberal Democrats, was based.

Policy and structure.
      During its period as a major political party, the Liberal Party was characterized by certain attitudes rather than a precise ideology. Central to Liberal attitudes was a trust in rationality, faith in the idea of progress, attachment to individualism, emphasis on human rights, and an eagerness to emancipate underprivileged groups. But Liberals' distrust of the enlargement of the functions of the state eventually came into conflict with the egalitarian political aspirations of the party, leaving it unprepared to adopt the role subsequently taken up by the emergent Labour Party. On the one hand, the Liberal Party championed individualism, free trade, and private enterprise, opposing what it saw as the centralizing and stultifying power of the state; on the other, it pursued policies of active social reorganization to prevent abuses of private power, to promote social justice, and to extend the role of the state in fields such as education, social welfare, and industrial relations. The Liberal Party always sought reform of the system of government, and Liberal reforms molded most of Britain's political institutions. In overseas policy, Liberal attitudes were pacific and internationalist. The party was wary of imperial expansion in the 19th century and supported the independence of colonial peoples in the 20th century. It constantly promoted international cooperation.

      The Liberal Party's most significant organizational feature was its decentralized structure. Owing to the paucity of its parliamentary representation throughout most of the 20th century, its parliamentarians and national head office were less able to dominate the national organization than was the case in the major British parties. The local parties controlled the process of candidate selection and also afforded their individual members a direct vote in the election of the party leader. Financial resources were also retained at the local level to a degree that was not typical of either of the major parties. The Liberal Party's annual assembly held a consultative rather than a formally sovereign position within the party constitution, while a National Executive Committee directed its day-to-day business.

Additional Reading
The most useful general accounts of the Liberal Party prior to the merger with the Social Democratic Party are to be found in Vernon Bogdanor (ed.), Liberal Party Politics (1983); and Chris Cook, A Short History of the Liberal Party, 190092, 4th ed. (1993).Paul David Webb

      a minor U.S. political party in New York state, founded in May 1944 by leaders of the moderate wing of the American Labor Party in revolt against the alleged infiltration of that party by communists. Although the party has usually favoured candidates of the Democratic Party (its 329,000 votes helped carry New York state for President Franklin D. Roosevelt in its first electoral try in 1944), it has on occasion supported liberal Republicans, such as John V. Lindsay for mayor of New York City (successfully in 1965 and 1969) and Jacob K. Javits for reelection as U.S. senator (successfully in 1968 and 1974 and unsuccessfully in 1980). Although the Liberal Party has lacked a grand organization, it has managed at times to promote as many as 100 clubs, or chapters, in New York City, a committee-at-large, a trades-union council, a Spanish-speaking division, and a youth division.

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