Lessing, Doris

Lessing, Doris

British writer
in full  Doris May Lessing , original name  Doris May Tayler 
born Oct. 22, 1919, Kermānshāh, Persia [now Iran]
 British writer whose novels and short stories are largely concerned with people involved in the social and political upheavals of the 20th century. She was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2007.

      Her family was living in Persia at the time of her birth but moved to a farm in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), where she lived from age five until she settled in England in 1949. In her early adult years she was an active communist. In Pursuit of the English (1960) tells of her initial months in England, and Going Home (1957) describes her reaction to Rhodesia on a return visit. In 1994 she published the first volume of an autobiography, Under My Skin; a second volume, Walking in the Shade, appeared in 1997.

      Her first published book, The Grass Is Singing (1950), is about a white farmer and his wife and their African servant in Rhodesia. Among her most substantial works is the series Children of Violence (195269), a five-novel sequence that centres on Martha Quest, who grows up in southern Africa and settles in England. The Golden Notebook (1962), in which a woman writer attempts to come to terms with the life of her times through her art, is one of the most complex and the most widely read of her novels. The Memoirs of a Survivor (1975) is a prophetic fantasy that explores psychological and social breakdown. A master of the short story, Lessing has published several collections, including The Story of a Non-Marrying Man (1972) and Stories (1978); her African stories are collected in This Was the Old Chief's Country (1951) and The Sun Between Their Feet (1973).

      Lessing turned to science fiction in a five-novel sequence titled Canopus in Argos: Archives (197983). The novels The Diary of a Good Neighbour (1983) and If the Old Could (1984) were published pseudonymously under the name Jane Somers to dramatize the problems of unknown writers. Subsequent novels include The Good Terrorist (1985), about a group of revolutionaries in London, and The Fifth Child (1988), a horror story, to which Ben, in the World (2000) is a sequel. The Sweetest Dream (2001) is a semiautobiographical novel set primarily in London during the 1960s, while the parable-like novel The Cleft (2007) considers the origins of human society. Her collection of essays Time Bites (2004) displays her wide-ranging interests, from women's issues and politics to Sufism.

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  • Lessing,Doris — Les·sing (lĕsʹĭng), Doris. Born 1919. British writer known for her five volume series Children of Violence (1952 1969) and for The Golden Notebook (1962). * * * …   Universalium

  • Lessing, Doris (May) — orig. Doris May Tayler born Oct. 22, 1919, Kermānshāh, Iran British novelist and short story writer. She lived on a farm in Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) 1924–49 before settling in England and beginning her writing career. Her works, which… …   Universalium

  • Lessing, Doris (May) — orig. Doris May Tayler (n. 22 oct. 1919, Kermanshah, Irán). Novelista y cuentista británica. Vivió en una granja en Rhodesia del Sur (hoy Zimbabwe) en 1924–49 antes de establecerse en Inglaterra, donde comenzó su carrera literaria. Sus obras, en… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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