

Indian family unit
also spelled  Kula 

      (Sanskrit:assembly,” orfamily”), throughout India, except in the south, a family unit or, in some instances, an extended family. Most commonly kul refers to one contemporarily existing family, though sometimes this sense is extendedfor example, whenfamilyimplies a sense of lineage. As such, kul describes, in the Indian context, the patrilocal family unit, often made up of three generations who live together in a compound headed by the grandfather or his eldest son, into which the brides of the various generations are absorbed. The family holds its property in common, as division of possessions is traditionally frowned upon.

      The splitting up of the joint family and the reforming into new units normally takes place on the death of the grandfather. The joint family system had a beneficial effect on the consolidation of landholdings and the sharing of resources but is steadily disappearing under modern pressures of economic mobility, improved communications, and widening job opportunities.

      Special usages of kul, or kula, are found in such appellations as Agnikula (“Family of the Fire God”), a putative ancient dynasty from which the Rājputs of Rājasthān derive their claim to be Kshatriyas (nobles). Another is the gurukula (“guru's family”) system of education, in which a pupil, after his initiation, lives in the house of his guru, or teacher, and studies the Veda and other subjects under his guru's guidance.

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