

Soviet magazine
      (Russian:Crocodile”), humour magazine published in Moscow, noted for its satire and cartoons.

      From 1922 to 1932 the periodical was published as a weekly illustrated supplement to the Soviet newspaper Rabochaya gazeta (“The Workers' Paper”; published for its first three months as Rabochy [“The Worker”]). From 1932 until 1992 the magazine was published thrice-monthly but thereafter was forced by economic hardship to cut back to monthly publication.

      The modern Krokodil is a 14- to 18-page magazine that covers its pages with coloured type and cartoons. During the Soviet period its humour was chiefly directed against what it termed Western imperialism and bourgeois ideology, but it also assailedundesirable elementsin Russian society. Vitaly Goryayev, one of its best-known cartoonists, became known for his comic portrayal of thecapitalist warmongers.”

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