Krasiński, Zygmunt

Krasiński, Zygmunt

Polish poet and dramatist
in full  Napoleon Stanisław Adam Ludwik Zygmunt Krasiński  
born February 19, 1812, Paris, France
died February 23, 1859, Paris
 Polish Romantic poet and dramatist whose works dealt prophetically with the class conflict that would engender Russia's October Revolution.

      The son of a leading aristocratic family, Krasiński studied law at Warsaw University before taking up studies in Geneva in 1829. He lived most of his life abroad and published his work anonymously. The conflict of loyalty arising from his father's support of Russian imperialism and his own desire for Poland's independence occupies a central position in Krasiński's thought.

      Krasiński's reputation rests primarily on two tragic dramas. In Nieboska komedia (1835; The Undivine Comedy) he presents a future struggle between the masses and the privileged that represents the first literary expression of class war. In his second important play, Irydion (1836; Eng. trans. Irydion)—the story of a Greek named Irydion who seeks vengeance on imperial RomeKrasiński denies the validity of hatred as a source of righteous action.

      Krasiński's best-known poem, Przedświt (1843; “The Moment Before Dawn”), was an inspiration to his countrymen in trying times. It pictures Poland's partition as a sacrifice for the sins of the entire world but optimistically predicts Poland's resurrection and emergence as a world leader because of its sacrifice.

Additional Reading
Wacław Lednicki (ed.), Zygmunt Krasiński, Romantic Universalist: An International Tribute (1964), is a valuable collection of studies. Monica M. Gardner, The Anonymous Poet of Poland: Zygmunt Krasiński (1919), provides a monographic silhouette of the poet.

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