Klonowic, Sebastian

Klonowic, Sebastian

Polish poet
in full  Sebastian Fabian Klonowic , pseudonym  Acernus  
born c. 1545, Sulmierzyce, Poland
died August 29, 1602, Lublin

      Polish poet whose work in Latin and Polish is valuable chiefly as cultural history.

      A burgher, Klonowic settled first in Lwów (now Lviv, Ukraine) and later in Lublin, where he became mayor and a municipal juror. In the Latin poemRoxolania” (written 1584) he gave the first complete account of the Ruthenian geography, landscape, and people. In the Polish poem Flis (1595; The Boatman), he vividly described the valley of the Vistula River and the life and customs of its raftsmen. Worek Judaszów (1600; “Judas's Sack”), also in Polish, is a satiric and didactic work on the low life of Lublin. In the satirical and didactic Latin poem Victoria deorum (1587; “The Victory of the Gods”) Klonowic contends that true nobility depends not upon birth but upon character.

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