

ancient kingdom, Anatolia
also spelled  Kizzuwatna,  

      Hurrian kingdom of southeastern Anatolia near the Gulf of Iskenderun in present-day Turkey. Kizzuwadna concluded a treaty with the Hittite kingdom in the late 16th century BC and remained a major independent power until after 1340 BC, when it was reduced to a Hittite vassal state by Suppiluliumas I. In the famous Battle of Kadesh (Kadesh, Battle of) (1299/1291 BC), Kizzuwadna supplied troops to the Hittite king Muwatallis against Ramses II of Egypt. The outcome of this battle enabled the Hittites to solidify their control of Syria.

      Although Kizzuwadna had become a satellite state of the Hittite kingdom, it continued to exert cultural influence. Kizzuwadna was, for example, one of the chief centres of the Hurrian cult of the goddess Hebat, and this cult came to strongly influence the Hittite state religion during the late 13th century BC. Kizzuwadna also played a significant role in the economy of the kingdom as it became a key centre for iron smelting and manufacture.

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Universalium. 2010.

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