

ancient deity
also spelled  Hepa or Hepatu,  

      in the religions of Asia Minor, a Hurrian goddess, the consort of the weather god Teshub. She was called Queen of Heaven and was assimilated by the Hittites to their national goddess, the sun goddess of Arinna. Teshub and Hebat had cult centres at Kummanni (classical Comana Cappadociae) and at Aleppo (Ḥalab) and other cities in the region of the Taurus Mountains. Hebat is represented as a matronly figure either standing on a lion or seated on a throne. She survived during Hellenistic times as Hipta, a goddess of Lydia and Caria, but the goddess of Comana was then Ma, a warlike deity identified by the Greeks with Enyo and by the Romans with Bellona. From this it may perhaps be inferred that Hebat also had warlike characteristics, though this aspect of her nature is not apparent in the extant texts. Her name has been compared to Hebrew Ḥawwa (Eve) and with Greek Hecate.

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