
Anthesteriac /an'theuh stear"ee ak'/, adj.
/an'theuh stear"ee euh/, n. (sometimes used with a pl. v.)
one of the ancient Athenian festivals composing the Dionysia; a spring festival celebrating flowers and new wine.

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Athenian festival in honor of Dionysus, held during the month of Anthesterion (Feb.–Mar.) to celebrate the beginning of spring and the maturing of the wine stored at the previous vintage.

It lasted three days and included libations to the god from newly opened casks, popular merrymaking, a secret ceremony of marriage between Dionysus and the wife of the king, and underworld rites.

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Greek festival
      one of the several Athenian festivals in honour of Dionysus, the wine god, held annually for three days in the month of Anthesterion (FebruaryMarch) to celebrate the beginning of spring and the maturing of the wine stored at the previous vintage. On the first day (Pithoigia, orJar Opening”) libations were offered to Dionysus from the newly opened casks. The second day (Choes, orWine Jugs”) was a time of popular merrymaking typified by wine-drinking contests in which even slaves and children participated; but the state performed a secret ceremony in a sanctuary of Dionysus in the Lenaeum, in which the wife of the king archon went through a ceremony of marriage to Dionysus. The fullest description, which omits many details, is found in Apollodorus's speech "Against Neaera." On these days, it was believed, the souls of the dead came up from the underworld and walked abroad; people chewed leaves of whitethorn and smeared their doors with tar to protect themselves from evil. The third day (Chytroi, orPots”) was a festival of the dead, for which, apparently, pots of seed or bran were offered to the dead.

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Universalium. 2010.

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