Jordan, Camille

Jordan, Camille

French mathematician
in full  Marie-Ennemond-Camille Jordan 
born January 5, 1838, Lyon, France
died January 20, 1922, Milan, Italy

      French mathematician whose work on substitution groups (permutation groups (permutations and combinations)) and the theory of equations first brought full understanding of the importance of the theories of the eminent mathematician Évariste Galois (Galois, Évariste), who had died in 1832.

      Jordan's early research was in geometry. His Traité des substitutions et des équations algébriques (1870; “Treatise on Substitutions and Algebraic Equations”), which brought him the Poncelet Prize of the French Academy of Sciences (Sciences, Academy of), both gave a comprehensive account of Galois's theory of substitution groups and applied these groups to algebraic equations and to the study of the symmetries of certain geometric figures. Jordan published his lectures and researches on analysis in Cours d'analyse de l'École Polytechnique, 3 vol. (1882; “Analysis Course from the École Polytechnique”). In the third edition (190915) of this notable work, which contained a good deal more of Jordan's own work than did the first, he treated the theory of functions from the modern viewpoint, dealing with functions of bounded variation. Also in this edition, he gave the proof of what is now known as Jordan's curve theorem: any closed curve that does not cross itself divides the plane into exactly two regions, one inside the curve and one outside.

      Jordan was a professor of mathematics at the École Polytechnique in Paris from 1876 to 1912. He also edited the Journal des mathématiques pures et appliquées (18851922; Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics).

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