- Jordan, A.C.
▪ South African authorborn Oct. 30, 1906, Mbokothwana Mission, Cape Colony [now in South Africa]died Oct. 20, 1968, Madison, Wis., U.S.Xhosa novelist and educator who belonged to the second generation of South African black writers (of which Es'kia Mphahlele and Peter Abrahams are the best known).Jordan served as lecturer in Bantu languages and African studies at the University of Cape Town until 1961, when he immigrated to the United States. He taught at the University of California, Los Angeles (1962), and at the University of Wisconsin (1963–68).Jordan wrote a series of articles entitled Towards an African Literature, which originally appeared in the periodical Africa South and were later published in book form. They discuss such topics as traditional praise poems, riddles and proverbs, the history of Xhosa literature, and various important individual Bantu writers. His novel Ingqumbo yeminyanya (1940; The Wrath of the Ancestors) goes much beyond earlier Xhosa novels in its attempt to reveal the workings of a modern black African mind in its fight against conservative tribal forces. In developing his theme of the conflict between traditional and Western ways, Jordan denies any easy solution. Before his death, Jordan had completed two more novels and a collection of short stories; the stories were published in 1975 under the title Kwezo mpindo zeTsitsa (“Along the Bends of the Tsitsa”).
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Universalium. 2010.