Jodl, Alfred

Jodl, Alfred

German general
born May 10, 1890, Würzburg, Germany
died October 16, 1946, Nürnberg
 German general who, as head of the armed forces operations staff, helped plan and conduct most of Germany's military campaigns during World War II.

      Primarily a staff officer during and after World War I, Jodl served as head of the department of national defense in the war ministry from 1935. A competent staff officer and Adolf Hitler (Hitler, Adolf)'s faithful servant to the end, he was named chief of operations of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW; Armed Forces High Command) on August 23, 1939, just before the invasion of Poland. With Wilhelm Keitel (Keitel, Wilhelm), OKW chief of staff, he became a key figure in Hitler's central military command and was involved in implementing all of Germany's campaigns except the beginning of the Russia invasion in the second half of 1941. On May 7, 1945, he signed the capitulation of the German armed forces to the western Allies at Reims, France. As chief of operations staff, he had signed many orders for the shooting of hostages and for other acts contrary to international law. He was executed after trial and conviction for war crimes by the International Military Tribunal at Nürnberg (Nürnberg trials). (See war crime: The Nürnberg and Tokyo trials (war crime).)

Additional Reading
Jodl's life and military career are covered in Eugene Davidson, “Alfred Jodl,” in his The Trial of the Germans (1966, reissued 1997), pp. 342364; and Walter Görlitz, “Keitel, Jodl, and Warlimont,” in Correlli Barnett (ed.), Hitler's Generals (1989), pp. 139171, which includes a chronology of his life.

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