Keitel, Wilhelm

Keitel, Wilhelm
born Sept. 22, 1882, Helmscherode, Ger.
died Oct. 16, 1946, Nürnberg

German field marshal.

After serving in World War I, he held administrative posts from 1918 to 1933, after which he became minister of war (1935) and head of the German armed forces high command (1938). Although one of Adolf Hitler's most trusted lieutenants, he was generally regarded as a weak officer and served chiefly as Hitler's lackey. He signed the act of Germany's military surrender in 1945. After the war he was convicted at the Nürnberg trials and executed as a war criminal.

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German military officer
born September 22, 1882, Helmscherode [now in Bad Gandersheim], Germany
died October 16, 1946, Nürnberg
 field marshal and head of the German Armed Forces High Command during World War II. One of Adolf Hitler (Hitler, Adolf)'s most loyal and trusted lieutenants, he became chief of the Führer's personal military staff and helped direct most of the Third Reich's World War II campaigns.

      Keitel served mainly as a staff officer in World War I and held administrative posts under the Weimar Republic (191833). In 1935 he became chief of staff of the Wehrmachtamt (Armed Forces Office), under the minister of war, and in 1938 he advanced to head of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW; Armed Forces High Command), which Hitler had created as a central control agency for Germany's military effort. He held that post until the end of World War II. Keitel participated in all major conferences, dictated the terms of the French surrender in June 1940, and signed operational ordersincluding directives authorizing the shooting of commandos or political commissars taken prisoner in uniform and other directives making it possible to detain civilians without due process.

 Keitel was present, though not injured, at the bombing of Hitler's field headquarters in the July Plot. He directed the efforts to reassert control over the conspirators, and he was a member of thecourt of honourthat expelled many of them from the German militarythus securing their conviction and their sentencing to death by a civilian court.

      After the war the International Military Tribunal convicted Keitel of planning and waging a war of aggression, of war crimes, and of crimes against humanity. Denied his request for a military execution by firing squad, he was hanged at Nürnberg (Nürnberg trials). (See war crime: The Nürnberg and Tokyo trials (war crime).)

      Keitel was generally regarded as a weak officer who had little tactical military experience. His reminiscences were edited by Walter Görlitz and published posthumously as Generalfeldmarschall Keitel, Verbrecher oder Offizier? (1961; The Memoirs of Field-Marshal Keitel, also published as In the Service of the Reich).

Additional Reading
Biographical sketches are found in Eugene Davidson, “Wilhelm Keitel,” in his The Trial of the Germans (1966, reissued 1997), pp. 328342; and Walter Görlitz, “Keitel, Jodl, and Warlimont,” in Correlli Barnett (ed.), Hitler's Generals (1989), pp. 139171, with a chronology of his life.

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