Jespersen, Otto

Jespersen, Otto

Danish linguist
in full  Jens Otto Harry Jespersen  
born July 16, 1860, Randers, Den.
died April 30, 1943, Roskilde
 Danish linguist and a foremost authority on English grammar. He helped to revolutionize language teaching in Europe, contributed greatly to the advancement of phonetics, linguistic theory, and the history of English, and originated an international language, Novial (q.v.).

      As a boy Jespersen was inspired by the accomplishments of the famed Danish linguist Rasmus Rask, whose grammars he used to begin a study of Icelandic, Italian, and Spanish. He decided to explore language studies at a time when phonetics and reform in language teaching were prime concerns. In 1886, the year before receiving his master's degree in French from Copenhagen University, he published his first important paper, on phonetic laws, and helped to establish a Scandinavian association for the reform of language education. As professor of English at Copenhagen (18931925), he led a movement for basing foreign-language teaching on the use of conversational speech rather than on textbook study of grammar and vocabulary, and he wrote a number of textbooks used in Denmark and other countries. He presented theoretical considerations of language teaching in Sprogundervisning (1901; How to Teach a Foreign Language). Jespersen published extensively on English; one of his most vital works, Growth and Structure of the English Language (1905), was reprinted in 1969. His great work in this area was the encyclopaedic Modern English Grammar, 7 vol. (190949).

      Jespersen gave particular consideration to the relationship between sound and sense in language. Another major concern, linguistic progress, was influenced by Charles Darwin's evolutionary theories and early reflected in Progress in Language, with Special Reference to English (1894). His Fonetik (189799; “Phonetics”) long remained the best scientific treatment of general phonetics. Jespersen made a highly original contribution to grammatical theory in Sprogets logik (1913; “The Logic of Language”). His principal work on linguistic evolution, and also probably his most brilliant achievement, was Language: Its Nature, Development, and Origin (1922). His belief in the efficiency of linguistic change was evidenced in The Philosophy of Grammar (1924). Long interested in international auxiliary languages, he helped to elaborate Ido, but his main achievement in this area was devising Novial, which he presented in International Language (1928). A Novial lexicon followed in 1930.

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