Jarnés, Benjamín

Jarnés, Benjamín

Spanish author
in full  Benjamín Jarnés Y Millán  
born Oct. 7, 1888, Codo, Spain
died Aug. 11, 1949, Madrid

      Spanish novelist and biographer.

      In 1910 Jarnés joined the army and began studies at the Zaragoza Normal School. In 1920 he resigned from the army and settled in Madrid. His first novel was Mosén Pedro (1924), but his reputation was established by his second, El profesor inútil (1926; “The Useless Professor”), a series of episodes with little narrative action that point out a professor's ineptitude and inability to tell reality from unreality. Similar motifs occur in El convidado de papel (1928; “The Paper Guest”), in which erotic pictures and writings smuggled into a seminary come to life. In 1929 Jarnés joined the editorial board of La Gaceta Literaria (“The Literary Gazette”) and began to write biographies. He continued to write novels, such as the surrealistic Teoría del zumbel (1930; “Theory of the Top-Spinning String”). He was an officer in the medical corps of the Spanish Republic during the Civil War. After the Republic fell, he fled to Mexico. There, working as an editor and teacher, he continued to write fiction but devoted increasing attention to biographies, as of Stefan Zweig, Miguel de Cervantes, and Mexican literary figures. In 1948 he returned to Spain and found himself less known there than in Mexico. His literary reputation in Spain has since improved.

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