

Japanese poet
pseudonym of  Kobayashi Issa , also called  Kobayashi Yatarō , original name  Kobayashi Nobuyuki 
born June 15, 1763, Kashiwabara, Shinano province, Japan
died Jan. 5, 1828, Kashiwabara

      Japanese haiku poet whose works in simple, unadorned language captured the spiritual loneliness of the common man.

      As a boy, Issa found relations with his stepmother so difficult that in 1777 he was sent by his father to Edo (present-day Tokyo), where he studied haikai under the poet Nirokuan Chikua (d. 1790). He took the pen name Issa in 1793 and traveled extensively through southwestern Japan, afterward publishing his first collection of verse, Tabishūi (1795; “Travel Gleanings”). An inheritance feud erupted between Issa and his stepmother upon the death of his father in 1801; this was not concluded until 1813, after which he settled in his native town and married for the first time. Four children died in infancy, and his wife died in childbirth. A second marriage was unsuccessful, and Issa died before his third wife gave birth to a girl, who survived.

      Out of a life marked by tragic adversity Issa created poetry of sentimental simplicity, and his empathy even with flies and other insects endeared him to the Japanese people. In his poetry everyday subjects are treated with ordinary language but take on a lyrical quality through his sharp critical eye and sympathetic tone. He produced thousands of haikai, as well as writing renga and other poetic forms. His other important works are Chichi no shūen nikki (1801; “Diary of My Father's Last Days”) and Oraga haru (1819; The Year of My Life).

      a branch of the Somali (q.v.) people living in the Republic of Djibouti (formerly the French Territory of the Afars and Issas) on the east coast of Africa.

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Universalium. 2010.

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