
/reng"geuh/, n. Pros.
[1875-80; < Japn < MChin, equiv. to Chin lián link + ge song]

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Japanese linked-verse poetry in which two or more poets supply alternating sections of a poem.

The form began with the composition of a traditional five-line poem (tanka) by two people. A popular pastime from ancient times, even in remote rural areas, it developed fully in the 15th century. Composition spread to court poets, who drew up "codes" to establish renga as an art. An example of renga is the melancholy Minase sangin hyakuin (1488), composed by Iio Sōgi, Shōhaku, and Sōchō. Later the initial verse (hokku) of a renga developed into the haiku form.

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      genre of Japanese linked-verse poetry in which two or more poets supplied alternating sections of a poem. The renga form began as the composition of a single tanka (a traditional five-line poem) by two people and was a popular pastime from ancient times, even in remote rural areas.

      The Kin'-shū (c. 1125) was the first imperial anthology to include renga, which was at the time simply tanka composed by two poets, one supplying the first three lines of five, seven, and five syllables and the other the last two of seven syllables each. The first poet often gave obscure or even contradictory details to make it harder for the second to complete the poem intelligibly and, if possible, inventively. These early examples were tan renga (short renga) and were generally light in tone.

      The form developed fully in the 15th century, when a distinction came to be drawn between ushin renga (serious renga), which followed the conventions of court poetry, and mushin renga (haikai), or haikai (comic renga), which deliberately broke the conventions in vocabulary and diction. Gradually, the composition of renga spread to the court poets, who saw the artistic possibilities of this diversion and drew upcodesintended to establish renga as an art. The codes made possible the masterpieces of the 15th century, but their insistence on formalities (e.g., how often alinkon the moon could appear and which links must end with a noun and which with a verb) inevitably diluted the vigour and freshness of the early renga, itself a reaction against the excessively formal tanka.

      The standard length of a renga was 100 verses, although there were variations. Verses were linked by verbal and thematic associations, while the mood of the poem drifted subtly as successive poets took up one another's thoughts. An outstanding example of the form is the melancholy Minase sangin hyakuin (1488; Minase Sangin Hyakuin: A Poem of One Hundred Links Composed by Three Poets at Minase), composed by Iio Sōgi, Shōhaku, and Sōchō. Later the initial verse (hokku) of a renga developed into the independent haiku form.

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