Icaza, Jorge

Icaza, Jorge

Ecuadorian writer
in full  Jorge Icaza Coronel  
born July 10, 1906, Quito, Ecuador
died May 26, 1978, Quito

      Ecuadorean novelist and playwright whose brutally realistic portrayals of the exploitation of his country's Indians brought him international recognition as a spokesman for the oppressed.

      Icaza started writing for the theatre, but when he was censured for a 1933 dramatic script, El dictador, he turned his attention, and his indignation, to the novel. He gained immediate fame and generated much controversy with his first novel, Huasipungo (1934; rev. ed., 1951; Huasipungo: The Villagers, or The Villagers). The title is an Indian term for the small plot of land given the Indian worker by a landowner in return for the worker's labour on the estate. The book depicts the manner in which the Indians are deprived of their huasipungo and then slaughtered when they rebel against their oppressors. It was greeted with outrage by the upper classes in Ecuador and quickly became a left-wing propaganda implement. Some critics have called the work mere propaganda, and others fault its construction. But its powerful language has led many critics to acclaim it as a masterpiece of realism.

      Icaza continued to dramatize the struggles of the poor in novels, and he never stopped writing for the theatre. His further writings include En las calles (1934; “In the Streets”), Media vida deslumbrados (1942; “Half a Life Amazed”), Huairapamushcas (1948), Seis veces la muerte (1954; “Death Six Times”), and El chulla Romero y Flores (1958; “The Loner Romero y Flores”). Over the same period Icaza also wrote numerous plays. His Obras escogidas (“Selected Works”) was published in Mexico in 1961.

      After 1973 Icaza served as his country's ambassador to Peru and the Soviet Union. His themes as well as his realistic style influenced a generation of writers in Ecuador and throughout Latin America.

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  • Jorge Icaza Coronel — (1906 – 1978) is a writer from Ecuador, best known for his novel Huasipungo , which brought attention to the exploitation of Ecuador s Native Americans by Ecuadorian and North American whites .CareerPlaywrightJorge Icaza’s literary career began… …   Wikipedia

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  • Icaza Coronel —   [i kasa koro nel], Jorge, ecuadorianischer Schriftsteller, * Quito 10. 4. 1906, ✝ ebenda 12. 5. 1978; wurde international bekannt mit seinem realistisch sozialkritischen Roman »Huasipungo« (1934; deutsch), in dem er gegen die unmenschliche… …   Universal-Lexikon

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