Ibn Qutaybah

Ibn Qutaybah

Muslim author
in full  Abū Muḥammad ʿAbd Allāh ibn Muslim ibn Qutaybah al-Dīnawarī 
born 828, Al-Kūfah, Iraq
died 889, Baghdad

      writer of adab literaturethat is, of literature exhibiting wide secular eruditionand also of theology, philology, and literary criticism. He introduced an Arabic prose style outstanding for its simplicity and ease, ormodernflavour.

      Little is known of Ibn Qutaybah's life. Of Khorāsānian stock, he was qāḍī (religious judge) of Dinawar (c. 851870). From c. 871 until his death he taught at Baghdad.

      The 14 surviving works definitively ascribed to Ibn Qutaybah include the Kitāb adab al-kātib (“Secretary's Guide”), a compendium of Arabic usage and vocabulary; Kitāb al-ʿArab (“Book of the Arabs”), a defense of Arab rather than Iranian cultural preeminence; Kitāb al-maʿārif (“Book of Knowledge”), a handbook of history; Kitāb al-shiʿr wa al-shuʿarāʾ (“Book of Poetry and Poets”), a chronological anthology of early Arabic poetry, with an introduction that presented Ibn Qutaybah's canons of literary criticism; and Kitāb ʿuyūn al-akhbar (“Book of Choice Narratives”), a collection of adab studies dealing with the authority of the overlord, the conduct of war, nobility, character, eloquence, and friendship, valued for its wealth of examples from history, poetry, and proverbs.

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