

Chinese history

      series of guildhalls established by regional organizations (tongxiang hui) in different areas of China during the Qing dynasty (16441911/12) as places where merchants and officials from the same locale or the same dialect groups could obtain food, shelter, and assistance while away from home. Some may have served as gathering places for professionals from the same fields.

      The huiguan were originated in the early Ming dynasty at Beijing by the provincial guild of the southern Chinese province of Guangdong. Eventually they were constructed in all the major urban centres of the country. In the national and provincial capitals, the huiguan were often used by examination candidates coming to the city to compete in the civil service tests necessary for admission to the government bureaucracy.

      The huiguan were instrumental in building a feeling of solidarity among the members of a province or a certain region and played an important function in the growth of trade and commerce throughout the Qing dynasty. It was customary for overseas Chinese to set up huiguan in the cities of the countries where they settled.

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