Housman, A.E.

Housman, A.E.

English scholar and poet
born March 26, 1859, Fockbury, Worcestershire, Eng.
died April 30, 1936, Cambridge
 English scholar and celebrated poet whose lyrics express a Romantic pessimism in a spare, simple style.

      Housman, whose father was a solicitor, was one of seven children. He much preferred his mother; and her death on his 12th birthday was a cruel blow, which is surely one source of the pessimism his poetry expresses. While a student at Oxford, he was further oppressed by his dawning realization of homosexual desires. These came to focus in an intense love for one of his fellow students, an athletic young man who became his friend but who could not reciprocate his love. In turmoil emotionally, Housman failed to pass his final examination at Oxford, although he had been a brilliant scholar.

      From 1882 to 1892 he worked as a clerk in the Patent Office in London. In the evenings he studied Latin texts in the British Museum reading room and developed a consummate gift for correcting errors in them, owing to his mastery of the language and his feeling for the way poets choose their words. Articles he wrote for journals caught the attention of scholars and led to his appointment in 1892 as professor of Latin at University College, London.

      Apparently convinced that he must live without love, Housman became increasingly reclusive and for solace turned to his notebooks, in which he had begun to write the poems that eventually made up A Shropshire Lad (1896). For models he claimed the poems of Heinrich Heine, the songs of William Shakespeare, and the Scottish border ballads. Each provided him with a way of expressing emotion clearly and yet keeping it at a certain distance. For the same purpose, he assumed in his lyrics the unlikely role of farm labourer and set them in Shropshire, a county he had not yet visited when he began to write the first poems. The popularity of A Shropshire Lad grew slowly but so surely that Last Poems (1922) had astonishing success for a book of verse.

      Housman regarded himself principally as a Latinist and avoided the literary world. In 1911 he became professor of Latin at Cambridge, teaching there almost up to his death. His major scholarly effort, to which he devoted more than 30 years, was an annotated edition of Manilius (190330), whose poetry he did not like but who gave him ample scope for emendation. Some of the asperity and directness that appears in Housman's lyrics also is found in his scholarship, in which he defended common sense with a sarcastic wit that helped to make him widely feared.

      A lecture, The Name and Nature of Poetry (1933), gives Housman's considered views of the art. His brother Laurence selected the verses for the posthumous volume More Poems (1936). Housman's Letters appeared in 1971.

Additional Reading
An account of his life and work is contained in A.S.F. Gow, A.E. Housman (1936). A later biography is Richard Percival Graves, A.E. Housman: The Scholar Poet (1979). John Bayley, Housman's Poems (1992), offers a reading of the poet's work by a respected literary critic. A.W. Holden and J.R. Birch (eds.), A.E. Housman: A Reassessment (2000), is a collection of revisionary essays.

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