Hotteterre, Jacques

Hotteterre, Jacques

▪ French musician
in full  Jacques-martin Hotteterre,  byname  Le Romain 
born Sept. 29, 1674, Paris, Fr.
died July 16, 1763, Paris

      French musician, teacher, and musical-instrument maker.

      Hotteterre was descended from a distinguished family of woodwind-makers and performers. His nickname, “le Romain” (“the Roman”), is presumed to be the result of a journey to Italy. By 1708 Hotteterre was a bassoonist (or bass oboist) in the Grande Écurie, a renowned ensemble. Besides performing on various woodwinds, he taught their use to wealthy amateurs, and he himself constructed flutes and musettes.

      Hotteterre's first published work, Principes de la flûte traversière (1707), is the first known essay on flute-playing. It contains instructions for playing the recorder and oboe, as well as the flute, and was an immense success throughout Europe, undergoing numerous reprints. This treatise proved to be a valuable source of information regarding early techniques used in performance on woodwinds (woodwind), such as tonguing and ornamentation. His later treatises include directions for improvising woodwind preludes, a practical manual for musette performers, and a variety of compositions such as duet suites and trio sonatas. His second essay (1719) also includes an important discussion of possible metric changes and rhythmic devices for transverse flute.

      Hotteterre's first book of suites for transverse flute and bass was the second such collection to be published in France and contains an unusually large number of pieces for one and two unaccompanied flutes, some consisting of as many as 11 or 12 movements.

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