Hill, A.V.

Hill, A.V.

British physiologist and biophysicist
in full  Archibald Vivian Hill 
born Sept. 26, 1886, Bristol, Gloucestershire, Eng.
died June 3, 1977, Cambridge
 British physiologist and biophysicist who received (with Otto Meyerhof (Meyerhof, Otto)) the 1922 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for discoveries concerning the production of heat in muscles (muscle). His research helped establish the origin of muscular force in the breakdown of carbohydrates with formation of lactic acid in the absence of oxygen.

      At the University of Cambridge (191114) Hill began his investigations of the physiological thermodynamics of muscle and nerve tissue. Working with a straplike thigh muscle in the frog, he was able to demonstrate that oxygen is needed only for the recovery, not the contractile, phase of muscular activity, laying the foundation for the discovery of the series of biochemical reactions carried out in muscle cells that results in contraction.

      A professor of physiology at Manchester University (192023) and at University College, London (192325), he served as Foulerton research professor of the Royal Society from 1926 until his retirement in 1951. His written works include Muscular Activity (1926), Muscular Movement in Man (1927), and Living Machinery (1927). Hill also derived a mathematical expressionknown as theHill equation”—for the uptake of oxygen by hemoglobin. In the 1930s he began to speak out on social issues and became active in the rescue of refugees from Nazi Germany. Between 1940 and 1945 Hill served as a representative to the British Parliament for Cambridge University and later helped the government of India in its initial pursuit of scientific endeavours. He returned to scientific research following World War II and continued to publish valuable papers on muscle physiology that are still cited by researchers today.

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