

Old Saxon epic
Old SaxonSaviour

      epic on the life of Christ in Old Saxon alliterative verse dating from about 830. It attempted to make the newly imposed Christian religion intelligible to the Saxons. Christ was made a Germanic king who rewarded his retainers (the disciples) with arm rings; Herod's feast became a drinking bout; and Nazarethburg, Bethleemaburg, and Rumuburg had the homely familiarity of Saxon towns.

      The poem consists of almost 6,000 lines. Though the author is unknown, a Latin commentary, published in 1562 and usually dated to the 9th century, states that Heliand was undertaken by an eminent Saxon poet most probably from the Fulda monastery at the behest of the Carolingian emperor Louis I (the Pious), who reigned 814840.

      Heliandextant in two largely complete and two fragmentary manuscriptsand the fragmentary Old Saxon Genesis are all that remain of Old Saxon poetry.

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