Guthrie, Edwin Ray

Guthrie, Edwin Ray

American psychologist
born January 9, 1886, Lincoln, Neb., U.S.
died April 23, 1959, Seattle, Wash.

      American psychologist who played a major role in the development of the contiguity theory of (contiguity, theory of) learning, a classical account of how learning takes place.

      Guthrie studied at the University of Nebraska and the University of Pennsylvania, obtaining his doctorate in symbolic logic from the latter in 1912. He joined the faculty of the University of Washington in 1914. Most of his work on the psychology of learning was conducted at Washington, where he remained until 1956.

      Guthrie argued on philosophical grounds that the simple association in time of an external stimulus and a behavioral response was sufficient for an animal or human subject to connect the two mentally. This view contrasted with that of other psychologists who felt that some form of reinforcement, either positive or negative, was necessary to establish the association between stimulus and response. Guthrie also denied the reinforcement theorists' contention that the association must be repeated several times before it is established as a behavioral pattern; on the contrary, only a single incident was enough for the association to be learned, he argued. Guthrie gathered experimental data to support his theory and presented his views in The Psychology of Learning (1935).

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  • Edwin Ray Guthrie — (9 January 1886, Lincoln, Nebraska 23 April 1959, Seattle, Washington) was an American behavioral psychologist. Educated at the University of Nebraska and the University of Pennsylvania, he played an important role in the development of the… …   Wikipedia

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