Guelf and Ghibelline

Guelf and Ghibelline

European history
Guelf also spelled  Guelph 

      members of two opposing factions in German and Italian politics during the Middle Ages. The split between the Guelfs, who were sympathetic to the papacy, and the Ghibellines, who were sympathetic to the German (Holy Roman) emperors, contributed to chronic strife within the cities of northern Italy in the 13th and 14th centuries.

      Guelf was derived from Welf, the name of the dynasty of German dukes of Bavaria who competed for the imperial throne through the 12th and early 13th centuries. The name Ghibelline was derived from Waiblingen, the name of a castle of the Welfs' opponents, the Hohenstaufen dukes of Swabia. The rivalry between Welfs and Hohenstaufens figured prominently in German politics after the death of the Holy Roman emperor Henry V in 1125: Lothar II (reigned 112537) was a Welf, and his successor as emperor, Conrad III (reigned 113852), was a Hohenstaufen. A dubious tradition relates that the terms Guelf and Ghibelline originated as battle cries (“Hie Welf!” “Hie Waiblingen!”) during Conrad III's defeat of Welf VI of Bavaria in 1140 at the siege of Weinsberg.

      It was during the reign of the Hohenstaufen emperor Frederick I Barbarossa (115290) that the terms Guelf and Ghibelline acquired significance in Italy, as that emperor tried to reassert imperial authority over northern Italy by force of arms. Frederick's military expeditions were opposed not only by the Lombard and Tuscan communes, who wished to preserve their autonomy within the empire, but also by the newly elected (1159) pope Alexander III. Frederick's attempts to gain control over Italy thus split the peninsula between those who sought to enhance their powers and prerogatives by siding with the emperor and those (including the popes) who opposed any imperial interference.

      During the struggles between the Hohenstaufen emperor Frederick II (reigned 122050) and the popes, the Italian parties took on their characteristic names of Guelf and Ghibelline (beginning in Florence) and contributed to intensifying antagonisms within and among the Italian cities. Most often, previously existing factions in the cities (usually among the nobility) adopted a pro-papal or pro-imperial attitude, thus drawing themselves into the wider international struggle but without losing their local character. The fighting between Guelfs and Ghibellines in various communes often ended with the exile of the losing party from the city. The rivalry between Ghibellines (in this case representing feudal aristocrats) and Guelfs (representing wealthy merchants) was especially ferocious in Florence, where the Guelfs were exiled twice (1248 and 1260) before the invading Charles of Anjou ended Ghibelline domination in 1266. Besides the vying of local factions for power within a city, antagonisms between different cities were aggravated as they took sides on the papal-imperial issue. A series of wars, for example, was fought from the mid-13th century through the early 14th century between Guelf-controlled Florence and its alliesMontepulciano, Bologna, and Orvietoand its Ghibelline opponentsPisa, Siena, Pistoia, and Arezzo.

      After the Hohenstaufen (Hohenstaufen dynasty) loss of southern Italy (1266) and the final extinction of their line (1268), the Guelf and Ghibelline conflict changed in meaning. In the international sphere, Guelfism constituted a system of alliances among those who supported the Angevin presence in southern Italyincluding the Angevin rulers of Sicily themselves, the popes, and Florence with its Tuscan allies. Within the many cities where the Guelfs triumphed, the party became a conservative force, a property-owning group interested in maintaining the exile of the Ghibellines whose holdings had been confiscated. Ghibellinism became associated with a nostalgia for the empire (a waning force in Italy after 1268) and briefly revived during the Italian expeditions of the emperors Henry VII in 131013 and Louis IV in 132730.

      During the course of the 14th century, the importance of both parties rapidly declined. They lost international significance because the emperors no longer interfered in Italy and the popes moved from Rome to France. “GuelfandGhibellineimplied only local factions.

      The terms were revived during the movement for Italian unification of the 19th century. The Neo-Guelfs were those who urged the pope to lead a federation of Italian states. (Vincenzo Gioberti's Del primato morale e civile degli italiani [“On the Moral and Civil Primacy of the Italians”], published in 1843, was the classic expression of this attitude.) Their opponents, the Neo-Ghibellines, saw the pope as a barrier to the development of Italian unity.

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