Goya, Francisco de

Goya, Francisco de

Spanish artist
in full  Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes 
born March 30, 1746, Fuendetodos, Spain
died April 16, 1828, Bordeaux, France
 Spanish artist whose paintings, drawings, and engravings reflected contemporary historical upheavals and influenced important 19th- and 20th-century painters. The series of etchings The Disasters of War (181014) records the horrors of the Napoleonic invasion. His masterpieces in painting include The Naked Maja, The Clothed Maja (c. 180005), and The 3rd of May 1808: The Execution of the Defenders of Madrid (1814).

Early training and career
      Goya began his studies in Zaragoza with José Luzán y Martínez, a local artist trained in Naples, and was later a pupil, in Madrid, of the court painter Francisco Bayeu (Bayeu, Francisco), whose sister he married in 1773. He went to Italy to continue his studies and was in Rome in 1771. In the same year he returned to Zaragoza, where he obtained his first important commission for frescoes in the cathedral, which he executed at intervals during the next 10 years. These and other early religious paintings made in Zaragoza are in the Baroque-Rococo style then current in Spain and are influenced in particular by the great Venetian painter Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista), who spent the last years of his life in Madrid (176270), where he had been invited to paint ceilings in the royal palace.

      Goya's career at court began in 1775, when he painted the first of a series of more than 60 cartoons (preparatory paintings; mostly preserved in the Prado, Madrid), on which he was engaged until 1792, for the Royal Tapestry Factory of Santa Bárbara. These paintings of scenes of contemporary life, of aristocratic and popular pastimes, were begun under the direction of the German artist Anton Raphael Mengs (Mengs, Anton Raphael), a great exponent of Neoclassicism who, after Tiepolo's death, had become undisputed art dictator at the Spanish court. In Goya's early cartoons the influence of Tiepolo's decorative style is modified by the teachings of Mengs, particularly his insistence on simplicity. The later cartoons reflect his growing independence of foreign traditions and the development of an individual style, which began to emerge through his study of the paintings of the 17th-century court painter Diego Velázquez (Velázquez, Diego) in the royal collection, many of which he copied in etchings (etching) (c. 1778). Later in life he is said to have acknowledged three masters: Velázquez, Rembrandt (Rembrandt van Rijn), and, above all, nature. Rembrandt's etchings were doubtless a source of inspiration for his later drawings and engravings, while the paintings of Velázquez directed him to the study of nature and taught him the language of realism.

      In 1780 Goya was elected a member of the Royal Academy of San Fernando, Madrid, his admission piece being a Christ on the Cross, a conventional composition in the manner of Mengs but painted in the naturalistic style of Velázquez's Christ on the Cross, which he doubtless knew. In 1785 he was appointed deputy director of painting at the Academy and in the following year painter to the king, Charles III. To this decade belong his earliest known portraits of court officials and members of the aristocracy, whom he represented in conventional 18th-century poses. The stiff elegance of the figures in full-length portraits of society ladies, such as The Marquesa de Pontejos, and the fluent painting of their elaborate costumes also relates them to Velázquez's court portraits, and his representation of Charles III as Huntsman is based directly on Velázquez's royal huntsmen.

Period under Charles IV
      The death of Charles III in 1788, a few months before the outbreak of the French Revolution, brought to an end the period of comparative prosperity and enlightenment in which Goya reached maturity. The rule of reaction and political and social corruption that followedunder the weak and stupid Charles IV and his clever, unscrupulous queen, Maria Luisaended with the Napoleonic invasion of Spain. It was under the patronage of the new king, who raised him at once to the rank of court painter, that Goya became the most successful and fashionable artist in Spain; he was made director of the Academy in 1795 (but resigned two years later for reasons of health) and first court painter in 1799. Though he welcomed official honours and worldly success with undisguised enthusiasm, the record that he left of his patrons and of the society in which he lived is ruthlessly penetrating. After an illness in 1792 that left him permanently deaf, his art began to take on a new character, which gave free expression to the observations of his searching eye and critical mind and to his newly developed faculty of imagination. During his convalescence he painted a set of cabinet pictures said to representnational diversions,” which he submitted to the Vice Protector of the Academy with a covering letter (1794), saying, “I have succeeded in making observations for which there is normally no opportunity in commissioned works, which give no scope for fantasy and invention.” The set was completed by The Madhouse in 1794, a scene that Goya had witnessed in Zaragoza, painted in a broad, sketchy manner, with an effect of exaggerated realism that borders on caricature. For his more purposeful and serious satires, however, he now began to use the more intimate mediums of drawing and engraving. In Los caprichos, a series of 80 etchings published in 1799, he attacked political, social, and religious abuses, adopting the popular imagery of caricature, which he enriched with highly original qualities of invention. Goya's masterly use of the recently developed technique of aquatint for tonal effects gives Los caprichos astonishing dramatic vitality and makes them a major achievement in the history of engraving. Despite the veiled language of designs and captions and Goya's announcement that his themes were from theextravagances and follies common to all society,” they were probably recognized as references to well-known persons and were withdrawn from sale after a few days. A few months later, however, Goya was made first court painter. Later he was apparently threatened by the Inquisition, and in 1803 he presented the plates of Los caprichos to the king in return for a pension for his son.

 While uncommissioned works gave full scope forobservations,” “fantasy,” andinvention,” in his commissioned paintings Goya continued to use conventional formulas. His decoration of the church of San Antonio de la Florida, Madrid (1798), is still in the tradition of Tiepolo; but the bold, free execution and the expressive realism of the popular types used for religious and secular figures are unprecedented. In his numerous portraits of friends and officials a broader technique is combined with a new emphasis on characterization. The faces of his sitters reveal his lively discernment of personality, which is sometimes appreciative, particularly in his portraits of women, such as that of Doña Isabel de Porcel, but which is often far from flattering, as in his royal portraits. In the group of The Family of Charles IV, Goya, despite his position as court painter, has portrayed the ugliness and vulgarity of the principal figures so vividly as to produce the effect of caricature.

The Napoleonic invasion and period after the restoration
 In 1808, when Goya was at the height of his official career, Charles IV and his son Ferdinand were forced to abdicate in quick succession, Napoleon's armies entered Spain, and Napoleon's brother Joseph was placed on the throne. Goya retained his position as court painter, but in the course of the war he portrayed Spanish as well as French generals, and in 1812 he painted a portrait of The Duke of Wellington. It was, however, in a series of etchings, The Disasters of War (first published 1863), for which he made drawings during the war, that he recorded his reactions to the invasion and to the horrors and disastrous consequences of the war. The violent and tragic events, which he doubtless witnessed, are represented not with documentary realism but in dramatic compositionsin line and aquatintwith brutal details that create a vivid effect of authenticity.

      On the restoration of Ferdinand VII in 1814, after the expulsion of the invaders, Goya was pardoned for having served the French king and reinstated as first court painter. The 2nd of May 1808: The Charge of the Mamelukes and The 3rd of May 1808: The Execution of the Defenders of Madrid were painted to commemorate the popular insurrection in Madrid. Like The Disasters, they are compositions of dramatic realism, and their monumental scale makes them even more moving. The impressionistic (Impressionism) style in which they are painted foreshadowed and influenced later 19th-century French artists, particularly Édouard Manet (Manet, Édouard), who was also inspired by the composition of The 3rd of May. In several portraits of Ferdinand VII, painted after his restoration, Goya evokedmore forcefully than any descriptionthe personality of the cruel tyrant, whose oppressive rule drove most of his friends and eventually Goya himself into exile. He painted few other official portraits, but those of his friends and relations and his Self-Portraits (1815) are equally subjective. Some of his religious compositions of this period, the Agony in the Garden and The Last Communion of St. Joseph of Calasanz (1819), are more suggestive of sincere devotion than any of his earlier church paintings. The enigmaticblack paintingswith which he decorated the walls of his country house, the Quinta del Sordo (182023) and Los proverbios or Los disparates, a series of etchings made at about the same time (though not published until 1864), are, on the other hand, nightmare visions in expressionist language that seem to reflect cynicism, pessimism, and despair.

Last years
      In 1824, when the failure of an attempt to establish a liberal government had led to renewed persecution, Goya applied for permission to go to France for reasons of health. After visiting Paris he settled in voluntary exile in Bordeaux, where he remained, apart from a brief trip to Madrid, until his death. There, in spite of old age and infirmity, he continued to record his impressions of the world around him in paintings, drawings, and the new technique of lithography, which he had begun to use in Spain. His last paintings include genre subjects and several portraits of friends in exile: Don Juan Bautista de Muguiro, Leandro Fernández de Moratín, and Don José Pío de Molina, which show the final development of his style toward a synthesis of form and character in terms of light and shade, without outline or detail and with a minimum of colour.

      Though there is little evidence for the legends of Goya's rebellious character and violent actions, he was undoubtedly a revolutionary artist. His enormous and varied production of paintings, drawings, and engravings, relating to nearly every aspect of contemporary life, reflects the period of political and social upheavals in which he lived. He had no immediate followers, but his many original achievements profoundly impressed later 19th-century French artistsEugène Delacroix was one of his great admirerswho were the leaders of new European movements, from Romanticism and Realism to Impressionism; and his works continued to be admired and studied by the Expressionists and Surrealists in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Enriqueta Harris-Frankfort

Additional Reading

General works
Laurent Matheron, Goya (1858), the first monograph (in French) on Goya, is dedicated to Delacroix and contains interesting data on the artist's last years in Bordeaux. Francisco Zapater y Gómez, Goya. Noticias biográficas (1868; new ed., 1924), contains important biographical notes by the son of Goya's intimate friend, Martín Zapater, with extracts from his correspondence. Conde de la Viñaza, Goya: su tiempo, su vida, sus obras (1887), studies Goya and his times, incorporating many documents, with a catalogue raisonné. F.J. Sánchez Cantón, The Life and Works of Goya (1964; originally published in Spanish, 1951), offers a well-documented general survey of Goya's life and principal works. F.D. Klingender, Goya in the Democratic Tradition, 2nd ed. (1968), provides a stimulating, if partisan, study of the artist in relation to his political and social background, which is treated in considerable detail. Pierre Gassier and Juliet Wilson, The Life and Complete Work of Francisco Goya, 2nd ed., edited by François Lachenal (1981; originally published in French, 1970), of major importance as the most comprehensive monograph on Goya, gives an authoritative account of his life and career, with a catalog and reproductions of all his known paintings, drawings, and engravings and detailed bibliographical references. More-recent studies of Goya's life and work include Anthony H. Hull, Goya: Man Among Kings (1987); Jeannine Baticle, Goya, Painter of Terrible Splendor (1994; originally published in French, 1986); Janis A. Tomlinson, Francisco Goya y Lucientes, 17461828 (1994); Julia Blackburn, Old Man Goya (2002); Robert Hughes, Goya (2003); Evan S. Connell, Francisco Goya (2004); and Dagmar Feghelm, I, Goya (2004; originally published in German, 2004).

Valentín de Sambricio, Tapices de Goya (1946), the definitive work on Goya's tapestry cartoons, with all the relevant documents, and illustration of all the paintings; Enrique Lafuente Ferrari, The Frescos in San Antonio de la Florida in Madrid (Eng. trans. 1955), a historical and critical study of the frescoes, illustrated in colour; F.J. Sánchez Cantón, Goya and the Black Paintings, with an appendix by Xavier de Salas (1964), a well-documented account of Goya's career with a detailed study of theblack paintingsand a history of theQuinta del Sordo,” with large and detailed colour illustrations; and Josep Gudiol i Ricart, Goya: Biography, Analytical Study, and Catalogue of His Paintings (Eng. trans. 1971), a detailed study of Goya's life and work accompanied by a critical catalog of his paintings (fully illustrated).

Drawings and engravings
F.J. Sánchez Cantón, Los dibujos de Goya, 2 vol. (1954), a catalog with reproductions of Goya's drawings in the Prado; and Los Caprichos de Goya y sus dibujos preparatorios (1949), a well-illustrated study of the etchings and their preparatory drawings; José López-Rey, A Cycle of Goya's Drawings: The Expression of Truth and Liberty (1956), an interpretation of the drawings in the light of the political and social background during the liberal struggle in Spain following the defeat of Napoleon; and Goya's Caprichos: Beauty, Reason and Caricature, 2 vol. (1953), an interpretive study of the Caprichos with a catalog of the etchings and preparatory drawings, all illustrated; Enrique Lafuente Ferrari, Los desastres de la guerra de Goya y sus dibujos preparatorios (1952); and José Camón Aznar, Los Disparatesde Goya y sus dibujos preparatorios (1951), two well-illustrated studies of the etchings and their preparatory drawings; Tomás Harris, Goya: Engravings and Lithographs, 2 vol. (1964), the most important and most comprehensive work on the subject, including a study of Goya's techniques and methods of production and a complete illustrated catalog with critical and descriptive analysis of every work from the preparatory drawings and working proofs to all the published impressions; and Drawings: The Complete Albums (1973).

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