

also spelled  Geniza (Hebrew:hiding place”),  plural  Genizot, Genizoth, or Genizahs,  

      in Judaism, a repository for timeworn sacred manuscripts and ritual objects, generally located in the attic or cellar of a synagogue. In the Middle Ages most synagogues had a genizah, because ceremonial burial (often with the remains of a pious, scholarly Jew) was thought to be the only fitting manner of disposing of sacred documents. Countless sacred manuscriptscalled shemot (“names”) because they contained the name of Godwere thus left to gather dust or to disintegrate slowly.

      In 1896 Solomon Schechter (Schechter, Solomon) investigated a genizah in the old Ezra synagogue in Cairo. In time, some 90,000 manuscripts were uncovered there, a cache so priceless that biblical scholars subsequently referred to the site simply asthe genizah.” This vast collection of liturgical, legal, commercial, and literary documentsamong them a fragment of the original Hebrew text of Ecclesiasticusgenerally revolutionized the study of the medieval history of Palestinian and Middle Eastern Jewry. Schechter's conclusions regarding a Zadokite sect were confirmed years later, after the discovery (late 1940s and '50s) of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The scrolls were found in caves that apparently also served as genizot. The manuscripts from the Cairo genizah are now preserved in many of the great libraries of the world.

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  • genizah — noun A storeroom located in or by a synagogue where are kept sacred Hebrew books that cannot be used (through damage or heretical teachings), but which cannot be discarded because they contain Gods name. The Cairo Genizah was discovered in 1896 …   Wiktionary

  • Genizah — [gɛ ni:zə] noun a room attached to a synagogue and housing damaged, discarded, or heretical texts and sacred relics. Origin from Heb. gĕnīzāh, lit. hiding place …   English new terms dictionary

  • genizah — n. a room attached to a synagogue and housing damaged, discarded, or heretical books etc., and sacred relics. Etymology: Heb. genizah, lit. hiding place f. ganaz hide, set aside …   Useful english dictionary

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