Furuta Oribe

Furuta Oribe

Japanese tea master
original name  Furuta Shigenari  
born 1544, Mino province [now in Gifu prefecture], Japan
died July 6, 1615, Kyōto

      distinguished figure in the history of the Japanese tea ceremony.

      After serving as a soldier Oribe was made a daimyo (feudal lord) and placed in charge of the Fushimi Castle in Kyōto. There he became the favourite pupil of the famous tea master Sen Rikyū and, after Rikyū's death in 1591, the foremost tea master in Japan. In 1615, however, Oribe was implicated in a conspiracy against Tokugawa Ieyasu and was forced to commit suicide.

      Oribe's influence on the tea ceremony and associated arts extended to teahouse architecture, tea-garden landscaping, and flower arrangement. He is said to have guided the production of pottery at the Bizen kilns in the district of Seto. From his active interest in pottery comes the term Oribe yaki (Oribe ware) (“Oribe ware”), denoting the type of pottery he preferred to use in his tea ceremony: a simple rustic tea bowl with an irregular shape, thick glaze, and soft monochromatic colour.

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