Sen Rikyū

Sen Rikyū

Japanese tea master
byname of  Sen Sōeki  
born 1522, Sakai, Japan
died March 21, 1591, Kyōto

      Japanese tea master who perfected the tea ceremony and raised it to the level of a national art.

      Sen Rikyū redefined the tea ceremony in all its aspects: the rules of procedure, the utensils, the teahouse architecture (of which he designed several styles), and even the tea-garden landscaping. He returned to the utter simplicity practiced by Shukō, a 15th-century monk who founded the Japanese tea ceremony. He firmly established the concepts of wabi (deliberate simplicity in daily living) and sabi (appreciation of the old and faded) as its aesthetic ideals. During his time the teahouse became smaller (from Shukō's 4 1/2-mat room to a 2-mat roomi.e., 6 feet square [2 metres square]) and more secluded with the introduction of the small door. The tea bowls produced under his direction were characterized by a rustic simplicity. Rikyū's influence on both artistic standards and social etiquette (his tea school was also a kind of finishing school for soldiers from the provinces) was so great that he has been considered one of the leaders of Japanese cultural history.

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Universalium. 2010.

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