Frobenius, Georg

Frobenius, Georg

German mathematician
in full  Ferdinand Georg Frobenius  
born October 26, 1849, Berlin, Prussia [Germany]
died August 3, 1917, Berlin

      German mathematician who made major contributions to group theory.

      Frobenius studied for one year at the University of Göttingen before returning home in 1868 to study at the University of Berlin. After receiving a doctorate in 1870, he taught at various secondary schools before he became an assistant professor of mathematics at the University of Berlin in 1874. He was appointed a professor of mathematics at the Federal Polytechnic in Zürich, Switzerland, in 1875. Frobenius finally returned to the University of Berlin in 1892 to occupy the mathematics chair vacated by the death of Leopold Kronecker (Kronecker, Leopold). The next year Frobenius was elected to the Prussian Academy of Sciences.

      As the major mathematics figure at Berlin, Frobenius continued the university's antipathy to applied mathematics, which he thought belonged in technical schools. In some respects, this attitude contributed to the relative decline of Berlin in favour of Göttingen. On the other hand, he and his students made major contributions to the development of the modern concept of an abstract groupsuch emphasis on abstract mathematical structure became a central theme of mathematics during the 20th century. With Frobenius's disdain for applied mathematics, it is somewhat ironic that his fundamental work in the theory of finite groups was later found to have surprising and important applications in quantum mechanics and theoretical physics.

      Frobenius's collected works, Gesammelte Abhandlungen (1968), in three volumes, were edited by Jean-Pierre Serre (Serre, Jean-Pierre).

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