Fortunatus, Venantius

Fortunatus, Venantius

French poet and bishop
in full  Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus  
born c. 540, , Treviso, near Venice [Italy]
died c. 600, , Poitiers, Aquitaine [France]

      poet and bishop of Poitiers, whose Latin poems and hymns combine echoes of classical Latin poets with a medieval tone, making him an important transitional figure between the ancient and medieval periods.

      Probably in fulfillment of a vow to St. Martin of Tours, Fortunatus crossed the European continent, visiting Metz, Paris, and Tours and forming friendships with churchmen and officials. In 567 he reached Poitiers, where Radegunda (Radegunda, Saint), former queen consort of Chlotar I, had founded a monastery. Impressed by her holiness and that of Agnes, the abbess, he became a priest and subsequently bishop of Poitiers.

      The extant works of Fortunatus are the Vita S. Martini (“Life of St. Martin”), written at the prompting of his friend Gregory of Tours; his prose biographies of saints (including the Vita Radegundis); and 11 books of poems (with an appendix of 34 poems). His early poems are courtly; they include addresses to bishops and officials, panegyrics, an epithalamium, epigrams, and occasional poems. While showing a pleasing facility, their dominant characteristic is a strongly rhetorical flavour. The influence of rhetoric persists in his religious poetry written at Poitiers (along with epigrams and epistles in his earlier vein), and it is especially effective in the poem celebrating the installation of Agnes as abbess. Of his six poems on the subject of the Cross, two are splendid hymns in which the religious note finds its noblest expression: these poems, the Pange lingua and the Vexilla regis, have been translated into English by John Mason Neale asSing My Tongue the Glorious BattleandThe Royal Banners Forward Go.”

      Fortunatus is venerated as a saint in some Italian and French dioceses, where his feast day is celebrated on December 14.

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Universalium. 2010.

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