Ferlinghetti, Lawrence

Ferlinghetti, Lawrence

American poet
in full  Lawrence Monsanto Ferlinghetti 
born March 24, 1919, Yonkers, N.Y., U.S.

      American poet, one of the founders of the Beat movement in San Francisco in the mid-1950s. His City Lights bookshop was an early gathering place of the Beats, and the publishing arm of City Lights was the first to print the Beats' books of poetry.

      Ferlinghetti's father died shortly before Lawrence was born, his mother was placed in a mental hospital, and a female relative took him to France, where he spent most of his childhood. Later, they lived on a Long Island, N.Y., estate on which she was employed as a governess. He was a U.S. naval officer during World War II, and he received a B.A. at the University of North Carolina, an M.A. at Columbia University, and a doctorate at the Sorbonne in 1951.

      In 1951 Ferlinghetti settled in San Francisco, and in 1953 he opened the City Lights Pocket Book Shop, which quickly became a gathering place for the city's literary avant garde. In 1955 Ferlinghetti's new City Lights press published his verse collection Pictures of the Gone World, which was the first paperback volume of the Pocket Poets series. Allen Ginsberg (Ginsberg, Allen)'s Howl and Other Poems (1956) was originally published as the fourth volume in the series. City Lights Books printed other works by Ginsberg as well as books by Jack Kerouac (Kerouac, Jack), Gregory Corso (Corso, Gregory), Denise Levertov (Levertov, Denise), William Burroughs (Burroughs, William S.), William Carlos Williams (Williams, William Carlos), and foreign authors.

      Ferlinghetti's own lucid, good-natured, witty verse was written in a conversational style and was designed to be read aloud; it was popular in coffee houses and campus auditoriums and struck a responsive chord in disaffected youth. His collection A Coney Island of the Mind (1958), with its notable verseAutobiography,” became the largest-selling book by any living American poet in the second half of the 20th century. The long poem Tentative Description of a Dinner Given to Promote the Impeachment of President Eisenhower (1958) was also popular. Ferlinghetti's later poems continued to be politically oriented, as such titles as One Thousand Fearful Words for Fidel Castro (1961), Where Is Vietnam (1965), Tyrannus Nix? (1969), and Who Are We Now? (1976) suggest. Retrospective collections of his poems were published as Endless Life (1981) and These Are My Rivers (1995). In 1988 Ferlinghetti published a short novel, Love in the Days of Rage, about a romance during the student revolution in France in 1968.

      A Far Rockaway of the Heart, a sequel to A Coney Island of the Mind, appeared in 1997. In 1998 Ferlinghetti was named poet laureate of San Francisco, the first poet so honoured by the city. Two years later he published What Is Poetry?, a book of prose poetry (prose poem), which was followed by the collection How to Paint Sunlight (2001) and Americus: Part I (2004), a history of the United States in verse.

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  • Ferlinghetti, Lawrence — (1919– )    Writer, publisher, bookseller, painter, activist, newspaper columnist, and navy veteran, Ferlinghetti’s most famous works are the poetry collections pictures of tHe Gone world (1955) and a coney island of tHe mind (1958), but he is… …   Encyclopedia of Beat Literature

  • Ferlinghetti, Lawrence (Monsanto) — orig. Lawrence Ferling born March 24, 1919, Yonkers, N.Y., U.S. U.S. poet. Ferlinghetti attended Columbia University and the Sorbonne. A founder of the Beat movement in San Francisco in the mid 1950s, he established the City Lights bookstore, an… …   Universalium

  • Ferlinghetti, Lawrence (Monsanto) — orig. Lawrence Ferling (n. 24 mar. 1919, Yonkers, N.Y., EE.UU.). Poeta estadounidense. Se educó en la Universidad de Columbia y en la Sorbona. Miembro fundador del movimiento Beat a mediados de la década de 1950 en San Francisco, abrió allí la… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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