Fanon, Frantz

Fanon, Frantz

West Indian psychoanalyst and philosopher
in full  Frantz Omar Fanon  
born 1925, Martinique
died Dec. 6, 1961, Washington, D.C., U.S.

      West Indian psychoanalyst and social philosopher, known for his theory that some neuroses are socially generated and for his writings on behalf of the national liberation of colonial peoples.

      After attending schools in Martinique and France, Fanon served in the French army during World War II and afterward completed his studies in medicine and psychiatry at the University of Lyon. In 195356 he served as head of the psychiatry department of Blida-Joinville Hospital in Algeria, which was then part of France. He joined the Algerian liberation movement in 1954 and in 1956 became an editor of its newspaper, El Moudjahid, published in Tunis. In 1960 he was appointed ambassador to Ghana by the rebel Provisional Government.

      Fanon's Peau noire, masques blancs (1952; Black Skin, White Masks) reflected his personal frustrations with racism. The publication shortly before his death of his book Les Damnés de la terre (1961; The Wretched of the Earth) established Fanon as a prophetic figure, the author of a social gospel that urged colonized peoples to purge themselves of their degradation in acollective catharsisto be achieved by violence against their European oppressors. He was also the author of Pour la révolution africaine (1964; “For the African Revolution”).

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