

king of Bactria
also spelled  Eukratides 
flourished middle of the 2nd century BC
 the last important king of Greek Bactria

      Calledthe Greaton the coins he minted, Eucratides probably came to power in a coup. Much of his reign was spent in wars against pretenders to the throne and neighbouring rulers. “Demetrius, king of the Indians,” an heir of Euthydemus I (Euthydemus), besieged him for five months, but Eucratides escaped and eventually triumphed. Near the end of his reign, he invaded and conquered Paropamisadae and Gandhara in northwest India. While returning home, he was assassinated and his body desecrated by a son, perhaps Plato Epiphanes (“God Manifest”), the rarity of whose coins indicates a brief reign. There is only numismatic evidence for Eucratides II Soter (“the Savior”). Another son, Heliocles Dikaios (“the Just”), may have won his cognomen by avenging his father. Heliocles was the last Greek king to rule north of the Hindu Kush. After his death, Greek Bactria fell to nomadic assaults and the growing Parthian empire (see Parthia).

      The impressive quantity and quality of Eucratides' surviving coinage (coin collecting) permits glimpses of the image he wished to present. On a commemorative series showing his parents, Heliocles and Laodice, his mother is portrayed with a diadem, betokening royal birth, to assert that her son is of royal blood and not a usurper. One series of coins shows Eucratides with a diadem and the inscriptionOf King Eucratides.” On two other series he is called Megas (“the Great”) and appears in battle gear, wearing a Boeotian cavalry helmet and thrusting with a spear. The Dioscuri (Castor and Pollux), mounted with spears, appear on the reverse of these three series, perhaps in homage to the role of Bactrian cavalry in his military success. For his Indian conquests there is a bilingual series of square bronze coins in Greek and Prakrit, with the city goddess of Kapisa on the reverse. Eucratides' mint struck the largest surviving coin from the ancient world, a triumph of numismatic art weighing 20 Greek staters (almost 6 ounces). Two series of coins survive with Apollo on the reverse, bearing the legendsKing EucratidesandKing Eucratides the Saviour.” W.W. Tarn and others use these coins as evidence to distinguish Eucratides II (the Saviour), who is mentioned by no ancient historian, from Eucratides I (the Great).

      The numismatic evidence does not give Eucratides' exact dates. Justin's Epitome associates his rise with that of Mithradates I (the Great) (Mithradates I) of Parthia, who came to power in 171 BC. For this reason, most scholars place Eucratides on the throne about 170 and give him a reign of 25 years, ending about 145 BC. Others place his rise to power as late as 160. Different modern authorities have his reign at 5, 10, 15, or 25 years, with 25 years the most popular estimate, as it accounts for the extensive numismatic evidence.

Additional Reading
The basic ancient work on Bactria was Apollodorus of Artemita, Parthika (1st century BC; now lost), which was used by the Augustan Age Greek geographer Strabo and the contemporary Latin historian Pompeius Trogus. The latter's work survives only in Justin, Epitome (3rd century AD), an account that concentrates on the dramatic reversals of fortune in Eucratides' careere.g., his escape from Demetrius's siege and his tragic death at the hands of his son after his Indian conquests. The classic modern discussion of Eucratides is W.W. Tarn, The Greeks in Bactria & India, 3rd ed., rev. (1997). Later works build on Tarn's account or reject parts of it; these works include A.K. Narain, “The Greeks of Bactria and India,” chapter 11 in The Cambridge Ancient History, 2nd ed., vol. 8, Rome and the Mediterranean to 133 B.C. (1989), ed. by A.E. Astin et al., pp. 388421; and H. Sidky, The Greek Kingdom of Bactria: From Alexander to Eucratides the Great (2000).

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