Engelbrekt Engelbrektsson

Engelbrekt Engelbrektsson

Swedish revolutionary

born c. 1390
died May 1436, near Örebro, Swed.

      Swedish national hero who led a 15th-century rebellion against Erik of Pomerania (Erik VII), king of the united realms of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.

      Of German origin, Engelbrektsson was a mine owner of the petty nobility from the Bergslagen area of Sweden. When, in the summer of 1434, the Bergslagen miners and peasants rose against the economically ruinous and unconstitutional policies of the absolutist Erik, they chose Engelbrekt as their leader. The early successes of Engelbrekt's forces against Erik's troops encouraged the nobles and clergy to join the rebellion, “Engelbrekt's Feuds,” and transform it into a truly national struggle. A truce in November 1434 led to an agreement early in 1435 calling for a return to the pre-rebellion status quo. Although Erik promised to respect Sweden's constitutional rights, it shortly became clear that he had acted in bad faith. When renewed war was decided upon, Engelbrekt, in January 1436, again led his forces against the King's forts, taking Stockholm almost immediately. In the meantime, however, the Swedish nobles had begun to quarrel, and in May 1436 Magnus Bengtsson, an enemy of Engelbrekt, slew him.

      The rebels' loss enabled Erik to gain his former position. Continuing discontent, however, and the appeal to the memory of Engelbrekt, whose death had made him a national hero, gave the Swedes the strength necessary to depose Erik by the summer of 1439.

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