Erik VII

Erik VII

king of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden
also called  Erik of Pomerania , Danish  Erik af Pommern , Swedish and Norwegian  Erik av Pommern 
born c. 1381, , Pomerania
died c. June 1459, Rügenwalde, Pomerania [now Darłowo, Pol.]

      king of the united realms of Denmark, Norway (as Erik III), and Sweden (as Erik XIII) from 1397 to 1439; his autocratic rule and foreign wars eventually lost him the throne in all three of his dominions.

      The son of Duke Vratislav VII of Pomerania and the great-nephew of Margaret, queen of the three united Scandinavian realms, Erik was adopted by Margaret (Margaret I) in 1387. Her skillful diplomacy won him the throne of the three realms (the Kalmar Union) in 1397, but she continued as effective ruler until her death in 1412.

      Erik soon set out to establish a powerful Scandinavian Baltic empire, based in Denmark. Supported by the Danish diet (1413) and the German king Sigismund (1424), he launched two wars (141622, 142635) against the counts of Holstein to regain control of Schleswig. The Holsteiners were joined in 1426 by the north German trading towns of the Hanseatic League, whose trading interests were threatened by Erik's preferential policy toward Danish merchants and artisans. Although Schleswig was completely lost to the Holstein-Hanseatic coalition by 1432, Erik defeated Hanseatic fleets and imposed the first tolls (1428) on ships plying the strait between Denmark and Sweden.

      Erik's favouritism toward Danes in his official appointments and his war financed by heavy taxes meanwhile had aroused opposition in Norway and Sweden and among the Danish peasants. When a Hanseatic blockade stopped Swedish exports of iron and copper in 1434, Swedish miners revolted. Leading Swedish nobles exploited the conflict and won the support of the Danish council of state in demanding that Erik institute a new union with constitutional forms of government. When Erik refused, he was deposed in Denmark, Sweden (1439), and Norway (1442) and was succeeded by Christopher III of Bavaria in all three of his realms. From his exile on the Baltic island of Gotland, Erik tried to regain the throne until 1449, when he withdrew to Pomerania.

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Universalium. 2010.

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