electronic instrument

electronic instrument


      any musical instrument that produces or modifies sounds by electric, and usually electronic, means. The electronic element in such music is determined by the composer, and the sounds themselves are made or changed electronically. Instruments such as the electric guitar that generate sound by acoustic or mechanical means but that amplify the sound electrically or electronically are also considered electronic instruments. Their construction and resulting sound, however, are usually relatively similar to those of their nonelectronic counterparts.

Early developments in electronic instruments (electronic instrument)

Precursors of electronic instruments
      Electricity was used in the design of musical instruments as early as 1761, when J.B. Delaborde of Paris invented an electric harpsichord. Experimental instruments incorporating solenoids, motors, and other electromechanical elements continued to be invented throughout the 19th century. One of the earliest instruments to generate musical tones by purely electric means was William Duddell's singing arc, in which the rate of pulsation of an exposed electric arc was determined by a resonant circuit consisting of an inductor and a capacitor. Demonstrated in London in 1899, Duddell's instrument was controlled by a keyboard, which enabled the player to change the arc's rate of pulsation, thereby producing distinct musical notes.

      The largest, and perhaps most advanced, of early electric instruments was Thaddeus Cahill's telharmonium. Completed in 1906, this instrument employed large rotary generators to produce alternating electric waveforms, telephone receivers equipped with horns to convert the electric waveforms into sound, and a network of wires to distributeTelharmonic Musicto subscribers in New York City. Complex and impractical, the Telharmonium nevertheless anticipated electronic organs, synthesizers, and background music technology.

Early electronic instruments
      The dawn of electronic technology was marked by the invention of the triode vacuum tube in 1906 by Lee De Forest (De Forest, Lee). The triode gave musical instrument developers unprecedented ability to design circuits that would produce repetitive waveforms (oscillators) and circuits that would strengthen and articulate waveforms that had already been produced (amplifiers). In the time period between World Wars I and II, many new musical instruments using electronic technology were developed. These may be classified as follows:

      1. Instruments that produce vibrations in familiar mechanical waysthe striking of strings with hammers, the bowing or plucking of strings, the activation of reedsbut with the conventional acoustic resonating agent, such as a sounding board, replaced by a pickup system, an amplifier, and a loudspeaker, which enable the performer to modify both the quality and the intensity of the tone. These instruments include electric pianos; electric organs (electronic organ) employing vibrating reeds; electric violins, violas, cellos, and basses; and electric guitars, banjos, and mandolins.

      2. Instruments that produce waveforms by electric or electronic means but use conventional performer interfaces such as keyboards and fingerboards to articulate the tones. The most successful of these was the Hammond organ, which implemented the same technical principles as the Telharmonium but used tiny rotary generators in conjunction with electronic amplification in place of large, high-power generators. The Hammond organ was placed on the market in 1935, and it remained a commercially important keyboard instrument for more than 40 years. Other, more experimental early electronic keyboard instruments used rotating electrostatic generators, rotating optical disks in conjunction with photoelectric cells, or vacuum-tube oscillators to produce sound.

      3. Instruments that were designed for performance in the conventional sense but which implemented novel forms of performer interfaces. Of these, Leon Theremin's (theremin) theremin (1920), Maurice Martenot's ondes martenot (1928), and Friedrich Trautwein's trautonium (1930) have been widely used. The theremin is played by the motion of the performer's hands in the space around a pair of metal antennas; the ondes martenot player uses the right hand to determine the tone's pitch on a special keyboard while the left hand manipulates a set of buttons and levers to articulate the tone; and the trautonium is played by simultaneously manipulating a fingerboard-like resistance element with one hand and a set of panel controls with the other hand. Composers of the stature of Richard Strauss, Paul Hindemith, Arthur Honegger, Darius Milhaud, Olivier Messiaen, André Jolivet, Edgard Varèse, and Bohuslav Martinů have written for one or more of these instruments.

      4. Instruments that were not intended for conventional live performance but instead were designed to read an encoded score automatically. The first of these was the Coupleux-Givelet synthesizer, which the inventors introduced in 1929 at the Paris Exposition. This instrument used a player-piano-like paper roll toplayelectronic circuits that generated the tone waveforms. Unlike a player piano, however, the Coupleux-Givelet instrument provided for control of pitch, tone colour, and loudness, as well as note articulation. The principles of score encoding and sound control embodied in this instrument have become increasingly important to contemporary composers as electronic musical instrument technology has continued to develop.

The tape recorder as a musical tool
      The next stage of development in electronic instruments dates from the discovery of magnetic tape recording techniques and their refinement after World War II. These techniques enable the composer to record any sounds whatever on tape and then to manipulate the tape to achieve desired effects. Sounds can be superimposed upon each other (mixed), altered in timbre by means of filters, or reverberated. Repeating sound-patterns can be created by means of tape loops. Tape splicing can be used to rearrange the attack (beginning portion) and decay (ending portion) of a sound or to combine portions of two or more sounds to form striking juxtapositions of sound with arbitrarily great length and complexity. By changing the speed of the tape, wide variations in the pitch and tempo of the recorded material can be effected; by playing the tape backward, a sound's evolution can be reversed. Thus, the composer can exercise precise control over every aspect of his original sound material.

      Although Hindemith, Ernst Toch, and others had experimented with it previously, the development of tape music began in earnest in 1948 with the work of Pierre Schaeffer (Schaeffer, Pierre) and his associates at the Club d'Essai in Paris, under the auspices of Radio-diffusion et Télévision Française. They called their creations musique concrètea term emphasizing their choice of a variety of natural sounds as raw material. These sounds were shaped, processed, and then put together (composed) to form a unified artistic whole. The Symphonie pour un homme seul (“Symphony for One Man Only”), composed by Schaeffer and his collaborator, Pierre Henry, is one of the landmarks of musique concrète, for it laid the technical and aesthetic foundations for much of the later tape music.

      In 1951 a studio for elektronische Musik was founded at Cologne, W.Ger., by Herbert Eimert, Werner Meyer-Eppler, and others, under the auspices of the Northwest German Broadcasting Studio. While the composers associated with this studio used many of the same techniques of tape manipulation as did the French group, they favoured electronically generated rather than natural sound sources. In particular, they synthesized complex tones from sine waveforms, which are pure tones with no overtones. Certain compositions of Karlheinz Stockhausen, such as the Gesang der Jünglinge (Song of Youth), are illustrative of the resources available in the Cologne studio.

Carlton Gamer Robert A. Moog

Post-World War II electronic instruments
      Advances in electronic technology during World War II were applied to electronic instrument design in the late 1940s and '50s. The Hammond Solovox, Constant Martin's Clavioline, and Georges Jenny's Ondioline are examples of commercially produced monophonic (capable of generating only one note at a time) electronic instruments. These instruments used small keyboards and were designed to mount immediately under the keyboard of a piano. They were capable of simulating a wide variety of traditional orchestral timbres, which the player selected by setting an array of tablet-shaped switches along the front of the instrument.

      Also during this postwar period, electronic organs became one of the largest segments of the musical instrument industry. These multikeyboard, polyphonic (chord-playing) instruments were first modeled after traditional pipe organs, but they later evolved into a new class of musical instruments for domestic use. The electronic home organ offered a variety of timbres, which were oriented toward popular music, as well as such performance assists as automatic rhythm production, easily enabling it to replace the player piano in popularity.

      Instruments capable of reading and performing encoded scores were developed during the 1940s and '50s. Unlike commercial keyboard-controlled organs and related instruments, the score-reading instruments were large, experimentally oriented devices. One example, the Hanert Electrical Orchestra, built in 194445 by John Hanert at the Hammond Instrument Co. in Chicago, consisted of a roomful of electronic tone-generating equipment controlled by an elaborate, motor-driven scanner. The scanner, which was mounted on a carriage that rolled along a 60-foot table, read an encoded score that was drawn on cardboard cards that covered the table. Another, somewhat more advanced score-reading instrument was the RCA Electronic Music Synthesizer, designed by Harry Olson and Herbert Belar at RCA Laboratories at Princeton, N.J., U.S. The RCA synthesizer was capable of producing four musical tones simultaneously. Pitches, tone colours, vibrato intensities, envelope shapes, and portamento of the four tones were encoded in binary form on a perforated paper roll. The perforations, which the composer made with a special typewriter-like keyboard, specified the sounds' properties for every 1/30 second, thus enabling the composer to produce musical changes faster and more precisely than traditional musicians are capable of playing. Two RCA synthesizers were built; the second (called the Mark II) was installed in 1959 at the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center in New York City and was used extensively by Milton Babbitt (Babbitt, Milton) and several other composers.

      The development of tape music as a compositional medium, the advancement of the technology of score-reading music systems, and the commercial proliferation of electronic organs and other keyboard-controlled electronic instruments all set the stage for the appearance of the electronic music synthesizer in the 1960s. Other contributing factors were the advancement of electronic technology itself and the domination of popular music by the electric guitar and other amplified instruments.

The electronic music synthesizer
      The word synthesize means to produce by combining separate elements. Thus, synthesized sound is sound that a musician builds from component elements. A synthesized sound may resemble a traditional acoustic musical timbre, or it may be completely novel and original. One characteristic is common to all synthesized music, however: the sound qualities themselves, as well as the relationships among the sounds, have beendesigned,” orcomposed,” by a musician. The notions that synthesized music is intended to imitate a more traditional entity and that synthesized music is generated by automated, mechanical means without control by a musician are generally not true.

      A traditional musical instrument is a collection of acoustic elements whose interrelationships are fixed by the instrument builder. Thus, for instance, a violin consists of four strings (the vibrating elements) which are positioned over a fingerboard (playing surface) and coupled through the bridge to the instrument's body (acoustic resonator). The violinist brings the strings into contact with the fingerboard and a bow to cause the strings to vibrate; but he does not change the position of the strings relative to the bridge, the position of the bridge relative to the body, or the configuration of the body itself.

      A synthesist, on the other hand, views his instrument as a collection of parts that he configures to produce the desired timbre and response. This is often calledprogramming,” orpatching,” and may be done before or during performance. The elements, or parts, that a synthesist works with depend on the design of the instruments that he is using. Generally, synthesizers include oscillators (to generate repetitive waveforms), mixers (to combine waveforms), filters (to increase the strength of some overtones while reducing the strength of others), and amplifiers (to shape the loudness contours of the sounds). Other sound-producing and -processing elements, which can exist as electronic circuits or as built-in computer programs, may also be available. To facilitate the musical control of these elements, a synthesizer may have any combination of a conventional keyboard; other manual control devices, such as wheels, sliders, or joysticks; electronic pattern generators; or a computer interface.

      The appearance of high-quality, low-cost silicon transistors (transistor) in the early 1960s enabled electronic instrument designers to incorporate all the basic synthesizer features in relatively small, convenient instruments. The Synket, built by the Italian engineer Paolo Ketoff in 1962, was designed for live performance of experimental music. It had three small, closely spaced, touch-sensitive keyboards, each of which controlled a single tone. Its foremost exponent was John Eaton, who concertized widely on his Synket throughout the 1960s and '70s, performing his own compositions.

      The synthesizers of the Americans Donald Buchla and Robert Moog were introduced in 1964. These instruments differed primarily in the control interfaces they offered. The Buchla instruments did not feature keyboards with movable keys; instead, they had touch-sensitive contact pads that could be used to initiate sounds and sound patterns. Buchla's instruments were widely employed by experimental composers, especially Morton Subotnik, whose compositions Silver Apples of the Moon (1966), The Wild Bull (1967), and Sidewinder (1970) appeared on long-playing records.

 Moog's instruments featured conventional keyboards as well as other control devices (see photograph—>), which enabled them to be used more easily in the performance of traditional music. Switched-on Bach, the music of J.S. Bach transcribed for Moog synthesizer and recorded by Walter Carlos and Benjamin Folkman in 1968, achieved a dramatic commercial success. In the years following the appearance of Switched-on Bach, many synthesizer recordings of traditional and popular music appeared, and synthesizer music was frequently heard in movie soundtracks and advertising commercials. Throughout the 1970s, commercial electronic-instrument manufacturers produced smaller, more convenient versions of Buchla's and Moog's designs, and these were widely used by keyboard musicians in the popular music idioms.

      Most electronic music synthesizers that were designed before 1980 are called analog synthesizers, because their circuits directly produce electric waveforms that are analogous to the sound waveforms of acoustic instruments. This is in contrast to digital synthesizers and music systems, the circuits of which produce series of numbers that must then be converted to waveforms. The first digital music synthesis systems were general-purpose computers (computer).

The computer as a musical tool
      The direct synthesis of sound by computer was first described in 1961 by Max Mathews and coworkers at the Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, N.J., U.S. Computer sound synthesis involves the description of a sound waveform as a sequence of numbers representing the instantaneous amplitudes of the wave over very small successive intervals of time. The waveform itself is then generated by the process of digital-to-analog conversion, in which first the numbers are converted to voltage steps in sequence and then the steps are smoothed to produce the final waveform.

      Unlike the electronic music synthesizers of the 1960s and '70s, in which electronic circuits performed specific waveform generation and processing functions, computer-based music composition systems are capable of performing any function that can be described as a computational procedure, or algorithm. The algorithm is written by a composer or programmer as a series of instructions that are stored in digital media (i.e., punched cards, magnetic tape, or magnetic disks) andloadedinto the computer when the music is to be realized. The composer then also writes a score that specifies properties of the individual sound events that make up the composition.

      A great variety of sound-synthesis and music-composition algorithms have been developed at research institutions around the world. Music V, created in 196768, is the most widely used sound-synthesis program to have been developed at Bell Laboratories. Music V consists of computer models of oscillator and amplifier modules, plus procedures for establishing interactions among the modules. Another widely used synthesis algorithm is Frequency Modulation (FM) Synthesis. Described by John Chowning of Stanford University (Palo Alto, Calif., U.S.) in 1973, FM produces a wide variety of complex timbres by rapidly varying the frequency of one waveform in proportion to the amplitude of another waveform.

      As computer technology developed and computers became more powerful and less expensive during the 1970s and '80s, the flexibility and sound-production capability of computer-based music systems attracted an increasing proportion of experimental music composers. By the end of the 1980s, computer music systems surpassed tape studio techniques and analog synthesizers as the electronic composition medium of choice among modern and experimental music composers.

Digital synthesizers, the music workstation, and MIDI

Digital synthesizers
      During the 1980s, commercial electronic instrument manufacturers introduced many performance-oriented keyboard instruments that used digital computer technology in combination with built-in sound-synthesis algorithms. One of the earliest and best-known of these was the Yamaha DX-7, which was based on the results of Chowning's research in FM Synthesis. Introduced in 1983, the DX-7 was polyphonic, had a five-octave touch-sensitive keyboard, and offered a wide choice of timbres, which the player could adjust or change to suit his requirements. Well over 100,000 DX-7s were sold, and Yamaha adapted their FM technology to a line of instruments ranging from portable, toylike keyboards to rack-mounted modules for studio and experimental use. Another important early digital synthesizer was the Casio CZ-101, a battery-powered four-voice keyboard instrument using simple algorithms that were modeled after the capabilities of analog synthesizers. The CZ-101 was introduced in 1984 at a price approximately one-quarter that of the DX-7 and achieved widespread popularity.

Sampling instruments; music workstations
      A sound waveform from a microphone or tape recorder can be digitized, or converted to a sequence of numbers that is the digital representation of the waveform. Instruments that enable a musician to digitize a sound waveform and then process it and play it back under musical control are called sampling instruments. The first commercial sampling instrument was the Fairlight Computer Musical Instrument (CMI), developed in Sydney, Australia, during the late 1970s. The Fairlight CMI was a general-purpose computer with peripheral devices that allowed the musician to digitize sounds, store them, and then play them back from a keyboard. The instrument was sold with programs that enabled the musician both to synthesize soundfrom scratchand to manipulate digitized sound using techniques that were developed in tape studios.

      In 1980 Roger Linn introduced the Linn Drum, an instrument containing digitized percussion sounds that could be played in patterns determined by the musician. In 1984 Raymond Kurzweil introduced the Kurzweil 250, a keyboard-controlled instrument containing digitally encoded representations of grand piano, strings, and many other orchestral timbres. Both the Linn and the Kurzweil instruments were intended for composition as well as for performance, since they contained digital memories into which the musician could enter a score.

      By the end of the 1980s, many instrument manufacturers had combined the technologies of the digital computer, digital sound synthesis, and sampling (digital sound recording) into integrated composition and sound-processing systems called music workstations. The Synclavier series, manufactured by New England Digital Corp. since 1976, is representative of this class of instruments.

Musical instrument digital interface (MIDI)
      In 1983 several commercial instrument manufacturers agreed on a way of interconnecting instruments so that they could work together or in conjunction with a personal computer. The resultant specification, called Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI), has become universally accepted by musicians and instrument builders. MIDI embodies the means for transmitting commands that tell which notes are being played, what timbre is desired, what nuances are being produced, and so forth. With a personal computer and the appropriate software (programs), MIDI-equipped instruments are capable of performing as a system similar to the larger music workstations. By the end of the 1980s, MIDI systems had become very popular with amateur as well as professional musicians.

Robert A. Moog

      Electronic instruments have contributed to a tremendous expansion of musical resources. Their increasing sophistication has made available to the composer a palette of sounds ranging from pure tones at one extreme to the most complex sonic structures at the other. In addition, it has made possible the rhythmic organization of music to a degree of subtlety and complexity previously unattainable. One consequence of the use of electronic instruments has been the wide acceptance of a new definition of music as organized sound. Another consequence is the acceptance of the notion that the composer may communicate directly with an audience without the need for a performer as interpreter. Yet another consequence is the democratization of both experimental and traditional music composition through the availability of high-quality, reasonably priced instruments and computer software.

      Some observers have felt that the elimination of the performer as interpreter, while it may enable the composer to realize perfectly his intentions, is nevertheless a serious loss. Performance, it is argued, is a creative discipline complementary to that of composition itself, and varieties of interpretation add richness to the musical experience; moreover, the physical presence of the performer infuses drama into what would be otherwise a purely aural, intellectual, and, by implication, somewhat lifeless event. But in fact many compositions for electronic (electronic music) instruments may be performed live with virtuosity and drama. With contemporary electronic instrument technology, the composer is free to choose whether or not the creative contribution of a performer will serve his artistic goals.

Carlton Gamer Robert A. Moog

Additional Reading
General surveys of the electronic music scene are Thomas B. Holmes, Electronic and Experimental Music (1985), with an extensive detailed discography; Andy Mackay, Electronic Music (1981); and Paul Griffiths, A Guide to Electronic Music (1979). Analog synthesizer technology is emphasized in Allen Strange, Electronic Music: Systems, Techniques, and Controls, 2nd ed. (1983). Joel Naumann and James D. Wagoner, Analog Electronic Music Techniques: In Tape, Electronic, and Voltage-Controlled Synthesizer Studios (1985), is a technical discussion of tape composition, analog synthesizers, and basic electronic composition techniques. Charles Dodge and Thomas A. Jerse, Computer Music: Synthesis, Composition, and Performance (1985), is another technical overview. Thomas H. Wells, The Technique of Electronic Music, 2nd ed. (1981), discusses electronic music composition without reference to specific equipment. An important standard for compatibility in digital sound equipment is the subject of Craig Anderton, MIDI for Musicians (1986); and Jeff Rona, MIDI, the Ins, Outs & Thrus (1987). Deta S. Davis, Computer Applications in Music: A Bibliography (1988), offers a valuable reference source for independent research.Robert A. Moog

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