

duke of Franconia

died 939, Andernach, Ger.

      duke of Franconia from 918.

      The brother of Conrad I, duke of Franconia and German king (911918), Eberhard in 915 supported his brother's ineffectual action against the rebellious duke of Saxony, Henry the Fowler. On Conrad's death Henry became king as Henry I, probably at Conrad's wish. Eberhard renounced all claim to the kingship but in exchange became almost completely independent in Franconia. Henry's son Otto I (king from 936) attempted to exercise more authority over his dukes, and in 938 Eberhard rebelled; he was defeated and fined. He allied himself with Henry of Bavaria (King Otto's brother) and Giselbert of Lorraine and in 939 launched a new rebellion. His forces were surprised by those of King Otto, and Eberhard was killed in the battle.

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