

      private family residence of modest to palatial proportions, found primarily in ancient Rome and Pompeii. In contrast to the insula (q.v.), or tenement block, which housed numerous families, the domus was a single-family dwelling divided into two main parts, atrium and peristyle.

      The more public functions and activities of the family took place in the atrium, generally a square or rectangular area subdivided around the perimeter into different spaces for conversation and relaxation; it was reached from the street through the prothyrum, an entrance passageway. Located between the atrium and peristyle was the tablinum, an open living room that could be curtained off from public view. A hallway, or fauces, was positioned to one side of the tablinum, to provide convenient access to the peristyle.

      The concept of the atrium was derived from Etruscan domestic architecture, in which the atrium comprised the entire dwelling; the characteristic form of the peristyle was taken from the Greek house of around the 2nd century BC.

      The peristyle of the domus, typified by that of the House of the Vettii at Pompeii, contained the private living quarters of the family; clustered around its colonnaded court were the oecus (reception room), cubiculai (bedrooms), alae (recesses for private talk), and tricliniai (dining rooms), with different exposures that could be regulated according to the seasons. In the House of Pansa in Pompeii, the dining rooms were furnished with three couches, each seating three people, nine being the accepted number of guests for a Roman feast. Also in that domus a series of small upper-story rooms encircled the atrium and peristyle.

      The Palatine Hill in Rome was celebrated for its palatial houses, among them the Domus Augustana; the Domus Augusti (Villa of Livia) of about 55 BC; and the Domus Tiberiana (destroyed AD 80), which became the residence of the emperors. Nero's opulent palace, the Domus Aurea (AD 6468), was also located on the Palatine.

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