

      city, Bavaria Land (state), southern Germany. It lies along the Wörnitz River about 20 miles (30 km) southwest of Ansbach. Mentioned in 928, it was fortified in the 10th century and became a free imperial city in 1273. It flourished in the 14th and 15th centuries and successfully withstood eight sieges in the Thirty Years' War (events commemorated annually in a July festival) before it fell to Gustav II Adolf of Sweden in 1632. The 10th-century walls, along with a moat and 12th-century towers, still surround the city, thus preserving its medieval character and providing one basis for a thriving tourist trade. Notable landmarks include the late Gothic Church of St. George (144899; one of Germany's finest single-naved churches, with a Romanesque tower), the old castle of the Teutonic Order (rebuilt 176164), the fortified town mill (c. 1390), and the Deutsche Haus (a 14th15th-century mansion, with a Renaissance facade). Pop. (1999 est.) 11,534.

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