

      in Mahāyāna and Vajrayāna (Tantric) Buddhism, any of a group of fiveself-bornBuddhas who have always existed from the beginning of time; the five are usually identified as Vairocana, Akṣobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitābha, and Amoghasiddhi.

      Scholars in recent years have pointed out that the term Dhyāni-Buddha does not appear in the original texts, but the nomenclature continues to be commonly used, particularly in describing groups of images composed of five meditating Buddhasas in mandalas (ritual meditation designs), on the four sides and top of votive stupas (commemorative monuments), or on the terraces of the great monument at Borobuḍur in Indonesia.

      The five are almost identically represented in art, all dressed in monastic garments, seated with folded legs, with the same hairdress and long-lobed ears, but are distinguished by characteristic colours, symbols, poses of hands, and the directions they face. The five eternal Buddhas are correlated to other groups of five, so that the entire cosmos is seen as divided between them and as emanating from them. Thus, each represents one of the five skandhas, or mental and physical aggregates (skandha) which make up the whole of cosmic as well as individual existence.

      According to the full exposition of this scheme, most of the other deities in the vast Buddhist pantheon are related to one of the five Buddhas as members of hisfamily”; reflect his distinguishing characteristics, such as colour, direction, and symbol; and when represented in art often carry an image of theparentBuddha in their crown. Each of theself-bornBuddhas is also said to have manifested himself as an earthly Buddha and as a bodhisattva (Buddha-to-be). Each has his own consort, mount, sacred syllable, natural element, particular sense organ, special sense perception, and symbolic location in the human body.

      In order to counter any tendency toward polytheism suggested by the fivefold scheme, some sects elevated one of the five, usually Vairocana, to a position of an Ādi-Buddha (first, or primal, Buddha). Sometimes a sixth deity is worshiped as the Ādi-Buddha. The Lamaist sects of Tibet identify the Ādi-Buddha as Vajradhara; some sects of Nepal give this position to Vajrasattva.

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Universalium. 2010.

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