- dharmapāla
▪ Tibetan Buddhist deityin Tibetan Buddhism, any one of a group of eight divinities who, though benevolent, are represented as hideous and ferocious in order to instill terror in evil spirits.Worship of dharmapālas was initiated in the 8th century by the magician-saint Padmasambhava, who is said to have conquered the malevolent deities in Tibet and forced them to take an oath promising to protect Buddhists and the Buddhist faith. Many of the dharmapālas can be linked to Hindu, Bon (the indigenous religion of Tibet), or folk deities.The dharmapālas are shown in painting, in sculpture, and in masks used by dancers as scowling figures with a third eye and disheveled hair, wearing crowns of skulls and garlands of severed heads; they are depicted treading on human beings or animals, usually in the company of their female consorts. They are worshiped singly or in a group called the “Eight Terrible Ones,” which most commonly includes the following: (1) Lha-mo (Tibetan: “Goddess”; Sanskrit: Śrī-devī, or Kāla-devī), fierce city goddess of Lhasa and the only feminine divinity in the group; (2) Tshangs-pa Dkar-po (Tibetan: “White Brahmā”; Sanskrit: Sita-Brahmā); (3) Beg-tse (Tibetan: “Hidden Sheet of Mail”); (4) Yama (Sanskrit; Tibetan: Gshin-rje), the god of death, who may be accompanied by his sister, Yamī; (5) Kubera, or Vaiśravaṇa (Tibetan: Rnam-thos-sras), god of wealth and the only one among the eight who is never represented in a fierce form; (6) Mahākāla (Sanskrit: “Great Black One”; Tibetan: Mgon-po); (7) Hayagrīva (Sanskrit: “Horse Neck”; Tibetan: Rta-mgrin); and (8) Yamāntaka (Sanskrit: “Conqueror of Yama, or Death”; Tibetan: Gshin-rje-gshed).The dharmapālas are worshiped in the mgon khang, a subterranean room, the entrance to which is often guarded by stuffed wild yaks or leopards. Priests wear special vestments and use ritual instruments often made of human bone or skin. Worship includes the performance of masked dances ('cham).
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Universalium. 2010.