

Buddhist and Hindu mythology
      in Hindu mythology, the king of the yakṣas (nature spirits) and the god of wealth. He is associated with the earth, mountains, all treasures such as minerals and jewels that lie underground, and riches in general. According to most accounts he first lived in Laṅkā (Sri Lanka), but his palace was taken away from him by his half brother, Rāvaṇa, and he now resides in a beautiful mountain residence near Śiva's home on Mount Kailāsa, where he is attended by all manner of genies.

      Kubera is the guardian of the north and is usually depicted as a dwarfish figure with a large paunch, holding a money bag or a pomegranate, sometimes riding on a man. Also known as Vaiśrāvaṇa and Jambhala, he is a popular figure in Buddhist and Jaina mythology as well. In Buddhist sculptures he is often shown accompanied by a mongoose.

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  • Kubera — Kúbera (o en sánscrito tardío Kuvera): Según el ShataPatha Brahmana y el Atharva Veda (8, 10, 28) Kúbera (‘deformado, monstruoso’) era el jefe de los malvados espíritus de la oscuridad (llamado en esa época era llamado principalmente Vaishravaná …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Kubera —    Kubera is the early god of wealth in India. How ever, he did not develop a large cult following and perhaps was overshadowed by the goddess LAKSHMI, whose attributes and realm of power were similar.    There are different stories about… …   Encyclopedia of Hinduism

  • Kubera — Kubera,   Kuvera, in der indischen Mythologie der Anführer der dunklen Geister der Tiefe (Yaksas, Guhyakas oder Raksasas), Hüter der Erdschätze und daher später auch Gott des Reichtums. Dargestellt als dickbäuchige, auch einäugige Zwergengestalt …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Kubera — This article is about the Hindu deity. For the Buddhist deity of the same name, see Vaisravana. For the 2000 Tamil film, see Kuberan (2000 film). For the 2002 Malayalam film, see Kuberan (2002 film). Kubera …   Wikipedia

  • Kúbera — En el marco de la mitología hindú, Kúbera (o en sánscrito tardío Kúvera) es el tesorero de los dioses. Es representado con tres piernas y sólo ocho dientes. Su vehículo es un caballo blanco empenachado. Por eso el término kúvera en sánscrito… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Kubera — Autel dédié à Kubera, Temple de Brahmâ, Pushkar, Rajasthan Kubera est le dieu des richesses, dhanapati en sanscrit. Il règne sur les richesses souterraines de la Terre, tels les diamants, perles, or, argent, pierres précieuses et tout ce que la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Kubera — Darstellung auf Seide aus dem späten 12. Jahrhundert / frühen 13. Jahrhundert Bishamon (jap. 毘沙門, auch: Bishamonten (毘沙門天); Sanskrit: Vaiśravaṇa; tib.: rNam thos sras, auch Kubera oder Jambhala genannt; deutsch: König des Nordens [1]) ist eine …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Kubera — This most interesting surname derives from the ancient Hebrew given name Yaakov meaning following after . In the bible Jacob was the name of the twin brother of Esau, who took advantage of the latter s hunger and impetuousness to persuade him to… …   Surnames reference

  • Kubera — (Kuvera)    In Vedic myth a king of the Rakshasas and half brother to Ravana, who drove him from Lanka, presumably the capital of Ceylon. Kubera migrated to Mount Kailasa and became regent of the north, having allied himself to the Hindu invaders …   Who’s Who in non-classical mythology

  • KUBERA —    or KUVERA    the Hindu Plutus, or god of riches, represented as deformed and mounted on a car drawn by hobgoblins …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

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