

Old English poem
also called  Deor's Lament  

      Old English heroic poem of 42 lines, one of the two surviving Old English poems to have a refrain. (The other is the fragmentaryWulf and Eadwacer.”) It is the complaint of a scop (minstrel), Deor, who was replaced at his court by another minstrel and deprived of his lands and his lord's favour. In the poem Deor recalls, in irregular stanzas, five examples of the sufferings of various figures from Germanic legend. Each stanza ends with the refrainThat trouble passed; so can this.” Though some scholars believe that the lament is merely a conventional pretext for introducing heroic legends, the mood of the poem remains intensely personal.

Additional Reading
Morton W. Bloomfield, “The Form of Deor,” PMLA 79(5):534541 (December 1964).

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