Delblanc, Sven

Delblanc, Sven

Swedish novelist
in full  Sven Axel Herman Delblanc  
born May 26, 1931, Swan River, Manitoba, Can.
died Dec. 15, 1992, Uppsala, Swed.

      Swedish novelist who was notable for his use of the intrusive narrator and for the incorporation of grotesque, visionary, and mythical elements to give detailed descriptions of society in his work.

      Delblanc taught at the University of Uppsala until the early 1970s, when he began to write full-time. His first novel, Eremitkräftan (1962; “The Hermit Crab”), was an allegorical exploration of the roles of freedom, love, and mysticism in human existence. He continued to pursue those themes in such novels as Prästkappan (1963; “The Cassock”), set in late 18th-century Germany, and Kastrater (1975; The Castrati), set in 18th-century Florence. A popular quartet of novelsÅminne (1970; “Memorial”), Stenfågel (1973; “Stone Bird”), Vinteride (1974; “Winter Lair”), and Stadsporten (1976; “The Town Gate”)—is set in rural Sweden in the 1930s. A companion series written in the 1980s chronologically precedes the quartet and contains many autobiographical elements. Delblanc's command of language exerted an important influence on many younger writers. In 1970 he received both the Great Novel Prize and the Zorn Prize. In addition to fiction he wrote essays and plays and published two volumes of memoirs, Livets ax (1991; “The Staff of LifeorGleanings from Life”) and Agnar (1992; “Chaff”).

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