Delaroche, Paul

Delaroche, Paul

French painter
in full  Hippolyte-Paul Delaroche 
born July 17, 1797, Paris
died Nov. 4, 1859, Paris
  painter whose painstakingly realistic historical subjects made him one of the most successful academic artists of mid-19th-century France. Delaroche's father was an art expert, his uncle was curator of the Cabinet des Estampes, and his brother was the painter Jules-Hippolyte Delaroche. In 1832 he became a professor at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts and was made a member of the institute.

      Delaroche's pictures were painted with a firm, solid, smooth surface, which gave an appearance of the highest finish. Often in developing his compositions he first made wax models of them. He held a course midway between the Classicists and the Romantics. His long series of historical pictures had a great popular success, and the availability of engraved reproductions made his work familiar in thousands of homes. One of the most popular of his scenes was theChildren of Edward” (1830; Louvre, Paris), a depiction of the imprisonment of Edward IV's sons in the Tower of London.

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