

      in Roman Catholicism, a three-day period of spiritual renewal stressing the dynamic, communitarian, and personalistic aspects of the Christian faith. The cursillo de cristianidad (Spanish:little course in Christianity”), founded in 1949 by Bishop Juan Hervas of Ciudad Real, Spain, brings together a group of about 40 men or women from different races, educational backgrounds, and economic and social status for spiritual exercises conducted by a team of priests and laymen. The exercises are centred on the celebration of the mass and include a series of talks (5 meditations and 5 lessons on Christian doctrine given by the priests; 10 lessons in which the lay members of the team make practical applications of the doctrine), each followed by small group discussions. A spirit of conviviality, with singing sessions and skits, is encouraged.

      The cursillo movement spread from Spain to other parts of Europe and to Latin America. It made its first appearance in the United States among the Spanish-speaking people of the Southwest and then grew rapidly in popularity in all sections of the country.

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Universalium. 2010.

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