Crane, Hart

Crane, Hart

American poet
in full  Harold Hart Crane  
born July 21, 1899, Garrettsville, Ohio, U.S.
died April 27, 1932, at sea, Caribbean Sea

      American poet who celebrated the richness of lifeincluding the life of the industrial agein lyrics of visionary intensity. His most noted work, The Bridge (1930), was an attempt to create an epic myth of the American experience. As a coherent epic it has been deemed a failure, but many of its individual lyrics are judged to be among the best American poems of the 20th century.

      Crane grew up in Cleveland, where his boyhood was disturbed by his parents' unhappy marriage, which culminated in divorce when he was 17. Emotionally ill at ease and self-destructive for the rest of his life, he was given to homosexual affairs and alcoholic bouts. He worked in a variety of jobs in New York City and Cleveland and, as his poetry began to be published in little magazines, eventually settled in New York in 1923. The clamourous vitality of urban life impressed him, and he attempted to deal with it in his poetry by insinuating into contemporary things a sense of continuity with an epic past.

      His first published book was White Buildings (1926). It contains his long poemFor the Marriage of Faustus and Helen,” which he wrote as an answer to what he considered to be the cultural pessimism of The Waste Land, by T.S. Eliot.

      With financial assistance from his father and from the philanthropist Otto H. Kahn, Crane completed The Bridge. Inspired in part by the Brooklyn Bridge and standing for the creative power of man uniting the present and the past, the poem has 15 parts and is unified by a structure modeled after that of the symphony.

      Crane was granted a Guggenheim Fellowship and went to Mexico City, where he planned to write another verse epic with a Mexican theme. The tensions of his life had become increasingly disturbing, however, and he did not write it, though he did write a good poem, “The Broken Tower” (1932), during his Mexican stay. On his way back to the United States he jumped from the ship into the Caribbean and was drowned.

      His Collected Poems appeared in 1933 but was superseded in 1966 by The Complete Poems and Selected Letters and Prose, which incorporated some of his previously uncollected writings.

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