Constantius II

Constantius II

Roman emperor
original name  Flavius Julius Constantius  
born Aug. 7, 317, Sirmium, Savia [now Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia]
died Nov. 3, 361, Mopsucrenae, Honorias [now in Turkey]

      Roman emperor from AD 337 to 361, who at first shared power with his two brothers, Constantine II (Constantine (II)) (d. 340) and Constans I (d. 350), but who was sole ruler from 353 to 361.

      The third son of Constantine I the Great (Constantine I) and Fausta, Constantius served under his father as caesar from Nov. 8, 324, to Sept. 9, 337. When Constantine died on May 22, 337, the troops massacred many of his relatives, including Constantine's half-brother, Constantius, consul in 335 and father of the future emperor Julian. In Julian's Letter to the Athenians (361) he openly accuses Constantius of murdering his father. The historian Eutropius felt the new emperor hadpermitted but not orderedthe killings. Constantius then divided the empire with his brothers, taking the eastern provinces (Thrace, Macedonia, Greece, Asia, and Egypt) for himself. Between 338 and 350 he was engaged in inconclusive but extremely bloody warfare with the Persian king Shāpūr II.

      In 350 Constantius returned to Europe to confront two usurpers. Vetranio, commander of the Danube forces, had taken power in Illyricum (now located in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula); the rest of Europe was seized by the barbarian officer Magnentius, who in 350 executed Constans, the ruler in the West. At Naissus (modern Niš, Serbia), Constantius persuaded Vetranio to abdicate, and on Sept. 22, 351, he crushed Magnentius at Mursa (modern Osijek, Croatia). During this struggle Constantius appointed as caesar his cousin Gallus to be administrator of the East. But Gallus proved to be a despotic ruler, and in 354 Constantius recalled him and had him executed. After campaigning against the Sarmatian, Suebi, and Quadi tribes on the Danube in 357358, Constantius returned east to fight Shāpūr, who had renewed his attacks on the eastern frontier (359). In 361 Constantius was recalled to the West by the revolt of Julian, his caesar in Gaul since 355, but became ill on the way and died.

      As sole ruler after 353, Constantius tried to create religious unity in the empire under Arian Christianity. He passed laws against paganism, and the historian Ammianus Marcellinus portrays him as deeply moved on a visit to Rome in 356. He twice (339, 356) exiled the influential orthodox bishop of Alexandria, but the religious unity he sought was short-lived.

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Universalium. 2010.

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